PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • My favorite Burning Man anecdote was one I read in a magazine about a decade and change ago about San Francisco, right when the last traces of the old hippie counterculture was being snuffed out by techbros. It was a not-rich San Franciscan talking about their difficulties with the housing market. They had a floor they were renting from an old landlord, but the house got bought out by a new owner that promptly told them they were getting kicked out. They went to the new landlord’s floor to ask for an extension as they were having trouble finding new housing. The landlord was in the process of putting on this ridiculous light-up jacket and snapped at them, “Can’t you see I’m getting ready for Burning Man!?” Which says everything about both Burning Man and San Francisco.

  • I’d say the difference, besides culture war bullshit, is that neoliberals see western military imperialism as the global police, whereas for neocons they see it as a tool for their right-wing Trotskyite project. Which often is a distinction without a difference, but just that the rationale aren’t the same. Neoliberals need to be convinced that there’s some injustice they’re going to rectify, neocons simply see not being aligned with Western hegemony as a good enough reason to swarm invade and speed run turning the country into bourgeois democracy.