• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • None of the choices here are good, but clearly bending over and letting Trump fuck everyone is worse than the alternatives. China is also not going to take this lying down and they have a lot of potential for damaging Trump because so much of the USA’s manufacturing is outsourced there and they can more easily compensate with other partners than Canada can. If Canada, China and Mexico stick to their guns, together, long enough for the American people to do something about this idiot, then things can still work out.

  • I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you of all people, but I have as well and as strange as it may sound to people who haven’t, there is a certain proportion of the homeless population which is homeless by choice. It’s not a large proportion, but it’s not that small either.

    It’s a chicken and egg problem with many schizophrenic and borderline homeless where you can’t tell if they ended up on the street due to mental illness or if living on the street made them mentally ill, but I have personally seen people choose to leave housing projects to go back to the street, and have heard similar stories from others.

    That said, of course using this fact as an excuse to not do everything we can to house the majority of homeless who do want homes and to support the ones who don’t in other ways (soup kitchens, clinics, etc and mental health counseling for those who want it) is absurd.

  • Cows recognize and respond to their given names (and sometimes even nicknames used by specific people) and have best friends. They are very far from stupid. They’re lovely and charming animals. It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance for me to continue eating beef after spending some time at a dairy farm.