Interesting, I’ve had no such issues so far. The few batches I’ve made, I loosely followed the recipe but mostly eyeballed the amount, and it’s always come out tasty. I’ve yet to try this round, though
Just brine, and some peppercorn and mustard seed
Good luck! Magnets always make me paranoid that I won’t be able to put the cache back, but maybe it’ll work for this one!
Something like this would probably be my go-to:
Any area I’ve cached, there have always been plently of caches that don’t require a TOTT – so no, you don’t need one, but it might come in handy, depending on what you want to find.
Around where I live, probably the most common TOTT is a long pole to get caches down from trees. Don’t exchange this for a ladder – a lot of the caches are up in thin spindly trees growing on uneven ground. They’re designed for you to get them with a pole, with both feet on the ground. You can buy golf ball retrievers for not too much money at a sporting goods store, these usually work well.
Other TOTTs I’ve seen are batteries for gadget caches or a UV flashlight. If you read the cache page, you should be able to get a sense of what you need. But every so often, a cache owner will get creative and make you use something you’ve never thought of before ;)
Had to check it out on Google Play:
That looks pretty cool! Love that you can play it like a game as a team. I need to try this out
Yes, there were two others you could get – one at some low number of points, and another at 100 I believe
Yes! Beach clean-up are always a good time where I am. I’ve made some pretty strange garbage finds over the years – keeps things entertaining when you find microwaves, kiddie pools, toilets and more in the woods!
I did not know they offered free trials – that’s awesome, glad you are enjoying it so far!
Cute! Was the cache inside on of the little houses?
Got to get them hooked early on!
I found a nano cache inside of a padlock once. The part where the key would go was drilled out, and replaced with a tiny cache container. Took me ages, awesome find.
I’ve gotten Tim Hortons gift cards for FTF before, that was pretty nice. Pins are also always cool to find
I did a mixture of these 3 recipes,
I’ll try to do a write-up, but was mostly flying by the seat of my pants…
5 large (about the size of my hand) pieces of ginger 2 lemons 1/2 navel orange 2.5 cups sugar 1 packet gelatin Cloves, star anise, turmeric
Cut ginger into slices and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain, but save the cooking water as ginger tea, with a bit of sugar added. The last 10 minutes, I added some cloves and star anise to the simmering pot, but the flavour wasn’t really noticeable in the final product, so may want to try adding them sooner. Then puree the boiled ginger in a blender - could probably skip this step if chopped small enough, but I don’t really like chewy pieces in my jam
Cut 1/4" off the ends of the lemons, then quarter them, and slice as thinly as possible, removing seeds as you go (I used the lemons whole, pith and all, surprisingly it wasn’t too bitter at all).
Peel 1/2 orange with a peeler and cut the peel into small pieces. Remove the pith, quarter and slice the orange thinly (I didn’t use the pith this time because it is so much thicker)
Simmer the lemons, orange, ginger, sugar and a pinch of turmeric for 45 minutes. I started with 2 cups of sugar and 30 minutes cooking time, but it just wasn’t thickening up, so I added another 1/2 cup of sugar, gelatin, and cooked for another 15 mins and it turned out nice and thick.
Made 3.5 jars total
Good luck!
This doesn’t see to be showing up across instances [email protected]
For me, I started doing it alone and it kept me sane during Covid lockdown. After events started back up again, I met a bunch of people, and haven’t really solo cached since then
In a hollow stump. Not actially buried