
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • PikatoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Politics"
    17 hours ago

    I think I would be the same way tbh. Like I don’t care that they do it, but I defo wouldn’t expect it in the same place as art content. Although it’s allowed, I think I would do the same as what you did.

  • This is a summary of the video for people who can’t watch (and to help me better analyze the video):

    • Matthew Huttle was pulled over for doing over 70 in a 55 (according to the cop), he stated he was just keeping up with the flow of traffic
    • The cop asks where he is coming from, and he answers Church and his mom’s cemetery
    • He states he is a Jan 6th Defender awaiting his pardoning paperwork, and that he can’t afford to be in trouble, and he is driving without license.
    • He states his license was suspended but he has to drive and he is waiting for his hardship license
    • He states he moved back to Indiana from Idaho to qualify for the hardship license due to his pending traffic violations there.
    • He gets let off with a verbal warning on his speeding, however since he is a federal habitual offender, he needs to come with him
    • He protests it and the cop restates he has no leeway on federal offenses and he can’t work with him on it.
    • Matthew runs off into his car with the cop saying “don’t you do it buddy”, hitting the horn in the process as the cop chases.
    • At this point the video starts being censored/blurred out in areas
    • Matthew reaches for something(it’s blurred) from the glove-box as the cop is trying to pull him back out again.
    • The cop starts saying no repeatedly
    • Matthew says he is going to shoot himself
    • The cop proceeds to say no and the guy moves whatever he grabbed towards either himself or the cop, the cop then starts to shoot repeatedly into the car.
    • The cop retreats and the video ends
    • The video proceeds to switch to the cop cars dash cam view, with it still censored and replays the same event starting from the cop trying to get him out of the car.

  • I agree, but I really don’t think complying will be advantageous to OP either. Not only do they get less prep time out of it, it’s also removing from the benefits given by the contract.

    There’s also a chance that if they’re firm on their action and make it clear they are going to follow the contract, the people running the meeting may stop doing it early days they work, as they need to recap the entire thing once they are on the clock anyway.

    Regardless I don’t think OP should let it get to them, my old work was that way, everyone was expected to clock in early and work late, I stood firm and even made some comments on how I habe a life outside of work and I follow my shift, they eventually left me alone.

    There’s no winning if you cave and just follow the mantra all you do is come out with less. Regardless of what the rest of the workers think.

  • Who cares what others do if they want to waste their time go ahead, just follow your contract, if it states start at 1230,shift begins at 1235 then show up at 1230 and begin at 1235.Anything they decide to do prior to you is not your problem.

    Just get what info you need after the fact. It’s bonus because you also now can waste X Amount of time trying to recap what you missed since you wern’t present/working at that time.

  • Pikatomemes@lemmy.worldThey can't hold out forever
    2 days ago

    the inability to be able to rent it at a profit usually. If they don’t think they can get money out of it, they won’t want to. If the economy hits a point where the housing market collapses, chances are they aren’t going to want to risk the buy in knowing that they likely won’t be able to sell for equal amount.

    Or the much faster method: the “scary” government regulating it

  • Browser incompatibilities.

    I use Firefox, Firefox is not a niche/unused browser. There is ZERO excuse for your web forms or pages to not work correctly because I’m using it. At the very least, all sites should be compatible with the latest form of Edge (gross), Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Those are considered Mainstream browsers. If your site fails to work on them properly, that’s one of the easiest ways to make me disappear off the site.

    Another big UI thing is infinite load pages. I don’t care about the next article in line, give the user a sidebar or bottom container that contains related content, then I as a user can decide to click it or not.

    And one last thing that many don’t take into consideration. Have a functional print layout of the page. So many sites don’t bother making a print layout but, as a user if I see something that I like, I might save it to a PDF, or print it out to show the family. When I do that I don’t need the headers(except maybe the title box?), banners, footers, splash screen, ad boxes, comments etc. I only really need the main body content. The print layout will show the URL if enabled, so I can always find my way back to the page without it. A lot of times if I am doing this, it’s because it’s significantly easier to show my family then having to somehow get them to visit the page.

  • I just wanted to let you know, I was wrong/just blind,

    I reopened on my desktop to have it another read on an easier to use screen, and they have them listed under the list header, but it uses the term “affiliate” instead of referral, and claims they make no money on the links.

    I don’t fully understand why referral links are necessary if they make no money off of it though, so I’m still on edge about the integrity of it.

  • Just a fair warning to other people navigating the page, the links the article provides all contained referral links. Not that it matters too much, but it put a sour taste in my mouth that a privacy oriented post would contain these without prominently disclosing them

    edit: looking again they do somewhat disclose they are there, but are insistent that they don’t have anything to do with affiliation, so not as bad but, I still don’t like that they are there.

  • That right there is going to kill any chance of me getting any of my friends to use it. Which is unfortunate and a side effect of not having a centralized server.

    But when you’re trying to get someone to start using your app, trying to convince them to at least open the app once a day to make it so it’s able to be open in the background is a pretty hard ask of a lot of people