passive swarm shooter
passive swarm shooter
Go full weird with it and only use tis instead of it’s. No confusion that way.
I don’t know how I feel about a show following a live action shape shifting Zap Brannigan. Do they play it straight and end up with a character who’s supposed to be pathetic or do they satirize the satire and make an over the top mess?
I have an autistic parent. Family that I had to rely on as a child. Autism is not a positive thing. It doesn’t make you a bad person or somehow morally less, but it does make you an emotional drain on everone you interact with.
I think you’re reading too much into intent here. The only reasoning that goes into these decisions is target audience. Who will buy what you are producing? When most of the comics that you mentioned were written, the perception was very much that their readers would be boys.
If there’s anything to be mad about, it’s that focus testing and demographic targeting makes for shit entertainment. It means companies are trying to make something that sells instead of trying to tell a story.
This checks out. I saw the picture and the phrase “This kills the crab” ran through my mind. I can maybe explain the chain of memes and references that got me there, but not well enough to explain why it made me laugh. Digital archeology is going to be a wild experience a century from now.
I’ve long since blocked HexBear , but will occasionally click the “show me anyway” button just to validate that decision. I’m somehow still surprised by the advanced stage brainrot every time.
a= “birds are dinos”
b= “dinos are reptiles”
c= “birds are reptiles”
Structure: If a then b, therefore c
a does not imply b without an additional statement (which we can assume from the rest would be “because birds are reptiles”)
You’ve basically just said birds are reptiles because birds are reptiles
I think they were pointing out the structural issue with your statement. They info you are attempting to convey is correct. Your ability to do so is questionable.
“One nation, indivisible; except by itself and one.”
I’ve still got an Oculus CV1 with touch controllers. It’s never seemed like a good time to upgrade before. I’m feeling the hype for this.
Counterpoint: The little wheel and wire thing that shaves off bits of cheese is deeply satisfying to use
Eugenics is not inherently bad, it’s just frequently used as an excuse to do really evil shit.
It’s not just the psycho assholes looking for people to hammer. It’s hard to want to engage with voice chat when the general public has no fucking concept of mic discipline. Nobody wants to hear the conversations happening around you. They don’t want to hear you eating. They certainly don’t want to hear your background music. Use push to talk.
A wealthy man from Soth Africa has weird views on eugenics? I’m shocked!
So I took a browse through your comment history out of idle curiosity. You’re an “um actually” concern troll that just looks for things to argue about. It’s pretty obvious you don’t actually care. Maybe you shouldn’t feel satisfaction with being a contrarian assbag for entertainment.
Are you sure that wasn’t just an attempted joke about the phrase asexual reproduction?
I’ve still got my Oculus CV1. It’s never felt like the time to upgrade until now, but I’m fully on board with the Deckard.