• 2 Posts
Joined 6 个月前
Cake day: 2024年9月26日


  • As a fellow Sativa-lover I feel you. I’ll buy some Sativa at the store and when I look it up online later it’s S/H. How am I supposed to clean the whole house, build some Legos, listen to music, contemplate philosophy, and go on a long nature walk when I keep wanting to sit down and take a nap? :D

    Thanks for sharing pics of your rigs. The electric globe bong absolutely looks the coolest to me.

  • For me its as much about the mindset and prep as it is about the choice of product. I prefer to be creative/productive over chill/couched most of the time. If I’m trying to hit that ADHD flow state high, I usually drink some mango juice (interacts with those receptors) or have a slice of pizza (fat increases the absorbancy of the cannibanoids). I’ve heard broccoli acts similarly. Then I’ll do something centering like take a walk or rock in my hammock for a bit. After that, I’m using revving my gears ready to ram into a project headfirst. Your mileage may vary.