Why is your name red?
Why is your name red?
The free rental services are usually from big department stores like Ikea or storage warehouses, and it’s not always free, but like 5-20$.
Anyway, if you have a truck you most likely also have somewhere to park a trailer. So having a normal car and using the trailer a few times per year would still greatly outweigh the costs and emissions, as I see it.
Our cars are also at least 2-3x more expensive here, depending on its emissions, so that matters I guess.
Or you use a trailer. Everyone knows someone with a trailer, or, at least where I live, you can rent one for a few hours for free.
When I first started out with Linux, I went full ricemode with Arch. For a while I tried running without X, using tmux heavily and browsing with lynx
, only starting a specific X server for games.
You can definitely do it, but especially web browsing is not really feasible. There are tons of curses
-like applications like mutt
and irssi
that work really well, but alas, I ended up going back to i3
Still heavily riced, though, using Vim hotkeys wherever possible. For browsing, qutebrowser is fucking sweet!
I don’t think you have to be goth to like goth chicks
My point is that words are part of languages which change very fluidly, and you could make the same argument for hundreds of other words.
If the word isn’t considered bad by anyone hearing it or anyone it describes, nothing is wrong with it. Many meanings are different between your language and mine, even though they sound alike or share some etymology.
I genuinely have multiple friends who use that word about themselves. It isn’t negative unless people perceive so.
That must be it
Just a language thing, sorry. In my country this word does not have any negative connotation.
I just think it’s more considerate to remove English so thousands of people don’t have to block it :)
I rest my case
I’m glad people are finally taking their heads out of the ground to realize how big of a security issue 2G is.
My country already dropped 3G, but 2G is still used a lot for IoT stuff, modems, alarms, etc., so it won’t be leaving their air any time soon. But it has no place in a smarthone.
Handicapped people might disagree
I would just have Postgres running statically on some solid hardware. It’s easy to configure permissions and connections, too.
Not too hard to set up streaming replication for a hot standby if you wanna be sure (or offload some reads).
I use Postgres btw
Virtually all database solutions support limiting users to specific databases/schemas/tables/whatever you need.
Persistence to NFS is also generally bad advice for most databases for performance reasons.
Doesn’t the ship fly in DOS2? It’s been a while since I played, but I’m pretty sure it does some flying teleportation stuff
Apart from a few glitches here and there, the game feels really complete. The story is really well made and the writing is top tier. If you come for the RPG elements of talking to every NPC and finding a lot of fun dialogue, you’ll love it.
If you want something without combat, although not fantasy, Disco Elysium has become my favorite CRPG ever.
The combat system is classic but with tactical Larian improvements from their other games.
I like it, but you can definitely get burned out from really long combat sessions. You can always lower the difficulty and blast your way through it, though.
Solid tips there, thanks. But what is snuff?
I don’t think that’s true at all. Your middle class percentage is tiny compared to most of Europe, and while you also earn a bit more, that money goes to a much stronger social safety net in most of Europe, too (at least in our more successful countries).
I would also wager that middle class workers are more comfortable here, because of guaranteed 5-7 weeks holiday, 37 hour work weeks (for the vast majority), guaranteed parental leave, and just generally a very unionized job market.