Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • What a weird comment. What do IT departments do if everything “just works?” Also, this isn’t a company. This is one random person saying Linux is bad for home users and always will be because they had one bad experience. Bug reports and actual requests for help are productive. “It didn’t work for me so it’s crap” is not. If some people having bad experiences doomed an OS then Windows would’ve died by now.

    I’m literally asking people to prefer using us for tech support over dropping our nth rant this week about how Linux is crap because it upset them.

    Also, we get every “it doesn’t work!!!” rant but few “Oh wow, it works just fine!” posts. Who wants to work on improving the “everyman” experience when they won’t be paid for it and the appreciation they get will be an email or two of thanks and people still insisting that Linux will always be crap because of every single thing they didn’t fix?

    [Kinda rant] Knowing that those people are giving special treatment to some other OS… or rather, I suppose they’re giving special treatment to Linux. It’s the “hard” one, the “rough” one. If your wifi doesn’t work in Linux it’s because Linux is crap. If it doesn’t work in Windows it’s because of literally anything but Windows. Could be solar flares or Canadian government mind control waves or something. Not precious Microsoft Windows, though. Everything works on that! (Except when it doesn’t, then I get called because I’m the local “computer whiz” or, for one summer, a computer repair tech critter… with that little experience in the role I still saw drivers flaking out and taking down Windows systems)

    Anyway, what do we get from “Linux will never be mainstream because my wifi doesn’t work” or any other “Shut up about your stupid crappy OS” type thing that we don’t get from a more cooperative approach? A bug report, or a request for help, or just “here are my experiences?” I suppose what I’m getting at is…

    tl;dr: Bashing is useless and annoying, nothing is permanently crap because one person had a bad experience. …Especially when another person had a bad experience with any available alternative. Sharing is sharing but “It sucks!” n times per week is discouraging and counterproductive.

  • Maybe constructive communication courses should be mandatory worldwide if something that amounts to “Your stupid OS doesn’t work for me so it’s never going to work for anyone [who isn’t a nerd with infinite spare time to fix it all’ the time]!” is how people think to ask for help.

    My point being, this isn’t a request for help. This is yet another nuisance post by someone who’s come to punish “the Linux community” for some problem they had. It’s unproductive, unamusing, inflammatory, and on top of all’ that it’s redundant: we get this crap often.

  • Hard to say, I’ve only played it for, uhhh… 🤔 1728.5 hours 😅

    I kinda hated it at first because it’s not Elder Scrolls mechanically and I was excited for an actual co-op Elder Scrolls game but more recentlish I gave it a real try and discovered things I really liked playing with. Also there’s a shipload of content. Per faction. Plus Chapters. Plus DLC. … Eegh! I haven’t done any DLC, though, just got the Chapters available at the time. There’s a bunch of fun content, though some people insist it’s “wrong” somehow in a lore kinda way? Idunno, there are bit missing I’d like to see but I don’t remember encountering anything that much bothered me. Maybe that’s just ignorance on my part. There’s a lot there to dig into, though :3 Lore stuff, story stuff, just wandering around peeping at places, Trials (raid-ish thingles) and Dungeons and such, weird sortof open-world PvP stuff, other PvP stuff, various lil local event type stuffs, dress-up/fashion scrolls (naturally, it is an MMO ;P ), uhhh… yeah I miss it v.v Never did manage to get completely through all’ the content I’ve got access to. I still wanna get through Craglorn’s story, I think there’s some stuff after High Isle I never saw, uhhhmmmm… Yeah anyway 😅 Also it’s mechanically more interesting than it seems at first glance. Animation cancelling is expected, which… one may prefer or disprefer 🤷 Using “unusual” weapons and switching between two sets (which may or may not use the same kind of weapon) is also expected, at least at higher levels. Interesting funs to be had! :3! ^.^! I think there’s some RP, too, though Idunno what kind of quality/ies to expect out of that because I’m skittish :-\ Can confirm ERP is a thing, at least 😅 (tl;dr: it’s got a ton of stuff to fuff around with and I miss most of it :3 😅 )

    I’ve started a Morrowind playthrough but I’m not sure I can do it because it just makes me wanna play ESO 😅 May try Daggerfall and hope it doesn’t also exacerbate that issue >.<;

    I think I’d like to see more of the different furstocks of Khajiit :3 ESO shows a little more than just the sortof standard “bipedal cat” sorts, but stiiiiilll… :D Could bring in Lilmothiit too. Rar. stops yapping, skitters away

  • Ehee, I’ve been missing ESO so bad lately v.v Even tried to run it on this laptop. Haaahahahaha that was impressively ugly.

    Am thinking about going Saxhleel 🤔 I guess if I’m ever able to afford a decent computer again I’ll grab Necrom and make an Arcanist :3 ✨ … Don’t mind me, I’m just dreaming out loud 😅 Though, I’m thinking of taking a Khajiit name and honorific, say I was raised by Khajiit but their community hated me so I know a few things about them but little to nothing about my own ‘kind.’ I’ll stop yapping now 😅

    Bright moons, friend! ^.^

  • There’s also free, easy access to a major open source OS and its devs! … Maybe it’s just wishful thinking that they’ll be able to kang a bunch of useful stuff off’ Linux 😅 Useful design structures or something, despite the different overall kernel design.

    I don’t even like Rust, I just like new things 😅 Am excited to see where, if anywhere, it goes. Will be glad to see some success getting past C. … Which I don’t dislike; I just like new things 😁 I hope and expect that good comes of Redox regardless of its success, which definitely is a possibility.