LOL! Well, I guess they’re actively looking to get killed. What, you think we’ll turn a blind eye to this shit, you hitler-esuqe dirtbags?
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@[email protected] (server is down often)
LOL! Well, I guess they’re actively looking to get killed. What, you think we’ll turn a blind eye to this shit, you hitler-esuqe dirtbags?
Preach! I’ll get you a soap box! More people need to understand the decaying nature of this place.
On a road trip right now, and I’m not a civil engineer, but every bridge I’ve driven over is super sketchy and rusting.
The elites are stealing from us, taking taxes to pay for their lifestyles. Enough is enough!
Goddamn y’all are so dumb. Let’s all dump our radioactive waste in the ocean then, if it is so safe. America has literal tons of it.
Goddamn y’all are so dumb. Let’s all dump our radioactive waste in the ocean then, if it is so safe. America has literal tons of it.
Why defend them? If it was safe, they’d just dump it somewhere on their own land, right? It totally isn’t safe.
Go watch Chernobyl, because reading and critical thinking aren’t your strong suits.
Oops, totally did.
My bad.
Aaaand that’s why they paid out like 700 million or whatever it was. Anyone with half a brain knew, but everyone SHOULD know now, or be lined up and shot as traitors.
(I don’t advocate just shooting people, but they’re literally traitors to the country and I didn’t write the laws.)
Like, Mountain Dew– extreme? You banging her? because you’re kissing her ass really hard.
Get a real job? Why would anyone expect Twitter to share fairly? Why would anyone expect them to share at all??
It shouldn’t. I don’t know if you realized this yet, though, but the rich do whatever they want with few (if any) consequences.
He’s not even good at golf. Golf: “GO Le’Fuck yourself, you fat McDonald bitch.”
I hope he dies painfully.
Let’s not speculate–let’s just not let them, ey?
Safe? Safe for whom?? Bury it in a mountain or something, but it is obvious they don’t want it on their soil!
Assholes, ffs.
Are you illiterate?
Literally, go jump in a nuclear reactor’s storage pool. You don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’ll learn real quick.
Ah, because I hate that people are dumping trash in the ocean. Got it.
Dumb cunt.
I’m not anti-nuclear; I’m anti pollution. Especially when it could have been avoided by building a better facility.
Read my update. Evidence? Yes, it is radioactive waste they don’t want anywhere on their own soil. That should tell you enough.
Super safe. We should all do it. Sure even the fish’d appreciate it, you absolutely dumbfuck.
How can you possibly think it is safe?
“Only this, only that, only a bit, only so many rads”. They’re still dumping their fucking issue into everyone’s ocean. Fuck off with your Japanese cocksucking behavior. They’re terrorists as far as I’m concerned.
Edit: “But there’s already radiation in the ocean”. “The sun makes radiation, too!” “You’re a dumbass because China makes more radiation than Japan does!” Are you all bots? Ffs. So dumb and annoying. You’re not right.
Go die in a fire. You understand my point well and arguing symantics and technicalities. If you actually don’t understand, please die in a larger, hotter fire, because the world needs less people like you.