• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • … I don’t know if I can even think of a reason I would have thirty tabs open at any given ven time. I’ve never experienced any issues with Firefox, speaking purely from my own personal experience it performs vastly better than Chrome did when I made the switch a couple of years back. To be clear, I can’t conceive of a reason in 2023 where I would feel compelled to open Chrome, or any chromium browser outside of manufactured limitations imposed by a third party. If someone more knowledgeable on the subject has an objection to the above claims I would be happy to hear them; but at this point in time I can’t think of a good reason to use Chrome.

  • If you aren’t paying for a service provided by a corporation, you aren’t the customer, you’re the product.

    Meta, as a corporation, is fundamentally subservient to investors to generate profit; if something can’t be monetized it won’t happen. I can’t speak to the specific intent Meta has in expanding into the fediverse, but I can say with confidence based upon not only their long and well documented MALICOUS behavior, but also the basic nature of Capatalistic endeavor that they should now nor ever be trusted to act in good faith. They are incapable of doing so, period.

    I don’t consider myself a hard-line socialist, but the access to information and the discourse surrounding that information should not be determined by an entity whose interests are primarily self serving in nature.

  • I think the larger issue at play is the inability to allow a story or properly to just end. If the companies refuse to allow their IP’s to die gracefully, then they will inevitably come to be ugly deformations of their former selves.

    We don’t need a thousand new entries in Marvel, or Star Wars, or any intellectual property. You very quickly hit a threshold where you just water down the themes, messages, and ideas present within a story; rather than expand upon it.

  • The Nosleep Podcast (Horror).

    Welcome To Nightvale (Comedy/Horror)

    Alice Isn’t Dead (Horror/Mystery/Road trip?)

    Conan O’Brian Needs A Friend (Comedy)

    The Three Questions With Andy Richter (Interview/Comedy. Can occasionally get kinda heavy)

    WTF With Marc Maron (Interviews)

    Watch Out For Fireballs (Deep Dive Discussions On Video Games)

    Abject Suffering (Comedy. The Same Two Guys From W. O. F. F., but they’re looking at bad/WEIRD Games)

    GM Word Of The Week (history)

  • Satiric_Weasel@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlEnough Said
    1 year ago

    Of it’s actually federated (a claim I find incredibly dubious) none of that would matter though right? Disengaging from it would be as simple as choosing not to engage with the instance(S), it would create more awareness for the Fediverse, and serve as an on boarding platform to introduce new users and increase content and interactions across the fediverse.

    But this is Meta, the single most corpo mega Corp involved In social media; so I feel pretty confident there’s a MALICOUS goal in mind I’m just not considering.

  • What methods of transport are available in your setting?

    In the free city of Corbeaux, citizens may make use of a wide variety of transport systems.

    The city has a robust elevated-rail system, the autorail. Each of the city’s districts has several stations available, and while it may not get you to your destination’s front door most locations are a relatively short trek from a station

    Motor-carriages, while not unheard of, are rare; and used primarily by the wealthy residents of Les Fontaines. As much of the city’s infrastructure predates these vehicles, much of the city remains inaccessible via these means; and only the newest neighborhoods were designed with them in mind.

    Airships are an extravagant, if impractical, way to reach your destination. Ranging from massive zeppelins to the more maneuverable auto-gyros; Corbeaux’s skies are littered with air traffic. Only the wealthiest districts are capable of maintaining the necessary infrastructure to operate sky-ports, and most of the traffic comes from outside the city-state.

    Founded by Pirate Lords who conceived of the city as a friendly port where they could repair their ships and offload their ill-gotten gains; it is no surprise that maritime travel remains dominant. In fact, Corbeaux is the single most heavily trafficked maritime port on the continent of Asturica; and goods and people from all over the world may be found here.

    *How does the upper-class travel? How does the lower class travel? *

    Wealthy citizens of Corbeaux often prefer luxury to efficiency; an aristocrat from Les Fontaines may think nothing of turning a 30 minute commute into one of an hour or more provided it offers an opportunity to flaunt their fortune. Conversely, the poorer residents of Les Delabres primarily use the auto-rail or bicycles to get to and from work.

    *How fast are the methods of transportation, how comfortable? *

    On a good day, a citizen of Corbeaux can expect to spend roughly an hour and a half to get from one end of the city to another riding the autorail. The autorail is relatively sparse in amenities, but if you have the coin you can splurge on a more luxurious railcar ticket.

    *Who controls the method of transport? Why/How? *

    The autorail was built and maintained by the city-state’s government; which charges a nominal fee for it’s use. Ticket fares go back into maintenance of the infrastructure, expansion into new stations, and into the pockets of corrupt politicians.

    Air travel in Corbeaux, as well as most of the world, is controlled by the immensely powerful and widespread Kaldric Consortium, the single most profitable corporate entity on the planet. The Kaldric Consortium began as a simple maritime trading company headquartered in (Britain Analouge I haven’t named yet); but it has grown over centuries to become a geopolitical entity significant enough to topple governments and enforce tyrannical trade agreements.

    How safe are the methods of transportation in your setting?

    Most auto-rail stations and cars are reasonably safe in Corbeaux… Provided the sun is still up. At night these facilities may be the prowling grounds of thieves, murderers, and any number of dark nameless creatures that hide beneath the city’s streets.

    What resources does public transportation depend on in your setting? Are these resources readily available? Where do they come from?

    Some sort of magical Coal Analouge, still playing around with ideas. Corbeaux’s status as a major port city ensures a steady supply, but it is unable to produce the raw materials itself and is thus dependent upon imports. A large portion of the industrial district is concerned with the refinement and deployment of these raw materials.