• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024


  • Hey, there’s nothing wrong with your meme. In fact it’s a nice one.

    I’m reacting to the “murder is always bad” take that I’ve seen in many related threads about this topic.

    I know I came off a bit aggressive, but that’s not towards you. I’m just frustrated with the topic. Thanks for the calm and reasonable response. Cheers!

  • “But murder bad!”

    My brother, is murdering Hitler bad?? No!

    Is murdering a child bad? Definitely!

    Somewhere between these 2 extremes there is a place for horrible CEOs and Politicians that cause extreme harm.

    This place is not black and white. It’s subjective. We’ve seen recently that someone decided that this Healthcare CEO was bad enough to justify radical action.

    I’m not defending this attack. My point is that “violence is always bad” is unfortunately not strictly correct. In extreme scenarios it turns into a nuanced topic that should be the subject of a lot of internal reflection.

    Guess who benefits from this utopian idea that “violence is always bad”? some big Business men that put profit above other people’s lives.

  • Sorry but you don’t understand how this works.

    It doesn’t make sense when you say:

    they can use the money and resources for something else.

    For example. The US arms industry exports were worth 238 Billion $ in 2023. That means that the arms industry brought 238 billion from outside the US to inside the economy

    Because the money is coming from outside. If the industry stops, the US will lose this money.

    You are putting your convictions above logic. It doesn’t matter how hard you believe in something, if it is not practical it won’t work.

    If your suggestions really make sense you should be able to convince at least a few people. But look at the responses you’re getting. How can you convince all the world leaders to change if you can’t convince a few people in the comments?

    At some point you have to consider that you might be in the wrong. Admitting your mistakes makes you a better person and allows you to grow in character. I kindly ask you to consider that.

    My guy, I’m going to finish this conversation here. I hope this was useful. Cheers!

  • Brother, I respect your principles but you’re not understanding the issue with having no military.

    First you would have to convince all countries in the world to cut all military budgets. Including convincing countries that would suffer economically from the extinction of the arms industry.

    And once all countries have 0 military, there is an incentive for aggressive leaders to produce weapons since it would be easy to win a war against an unarmed country

    Disarming a country is an impossible mission because it only works if the entire world agrees to it, and because it makes everyone vulnerable once someone decides to break the agreement.

    I hope you can see it clearly now. Unless you have a proposal that fixes the two points above, your 0 military plan would not work

    I’m happy to discuss more if you’d like

  • Unfortunately a strong military is necessary to maintain peace

    It might sound contradictory at first but you should consider that people will always disagree. And if you and your neighboring country disagree and they have 20x more military power than you, they might be inclined to use force to solve your differences

    The only thing that allows you to have a civil and diplomatic discussion is the assurance that war is the worst of the options. As we see today, strong military nations are not afraid to abuse weaker military powers.

    I understand the hate towards the production of weapons, and I’m with you. But defunding the military is a simplistic, utopian argument that unfortunately would not work in the present time

  • The title is obvious clickbait

    Let me start by saying that I don’t support the Israeli attacks and ground invasion in Palestine. Moving on

    The article’s main point is about Israel’s “Hannibal directive”. This measure allows the harm of Israeli forces to avoid hostages being taken. in practice the sentiment is that “a soldier is better dead than captured”. In October 7 the order to take the Hannibal directive was given. There are accounts of soldiers bombing Hamas’s forces that were in the process of capturing Israeli soldiers or civilians. Also as a result of the directive, damage was caused in civilian areas killing civilians

    While it’s clear by the way the article is written that there is a heavy bias against Israel, I believe the claims about the Hannibal directive to be mostly true.

    Here’s the part where you form your opinion. The act of killing your own people to avoid a capture instinctively sounds terrible. But also consider what it means to be captured and likely tortured for an indeterminate time.

    Your opinion might fall between “Israel is the devil itself” or “this is a sad tactic but it’s a part of war”

    I’m not here to give you my opinion but to ask you to look at all sides. Don’t allow yourself to have an opinion before considering both perspectives. Critical thinking and methodical argumentation are severely lacking in society.

    My objective here is to go against this sort of angry, fear mongering, nasty articles. I’m so tired of this kind of writing. Please, let’s stop enabling this. Lastly I’ll just say, stop the war. Take a deal, return the hostages. Holy fuck I’m so tired of this.

  • Shampissto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    6 months ago

    The Right’s opinions are not fact based, so you cannot convince them with facts

    Most rightwing supporters are driven by their emotions, and fall prey to fear mongering and emotional manipulation related to their already existing beliefs like racism and xenophobia.

    To change emotional based beliefs you need to use compassion. They are not your enemy. They are misguided and manipulated souls that need help.

    Treat them as your best friend

    They won’t be open to arguments if they think you’re the devil. So you have to be their friend.

    It’s not necessary to explain everything to them. You can’t change someone’s world view in one conversation. Just show that you’re a reasonable person that is trying to understand them. Gently ask them what their beliefs are and don’t be confrontational. With a bit of time they will open their eyes by themselves.

    Not easy. but I think that this is what effectively creates change.