It’s their fifth most recent post, from three days ago. I found it by just looking at the community and searching IQ. It was on page 2 for me.
Also, what do you even mean doxxing them? Nobody said anything about posting their real name and address.
It’s their fifth most recent post, from three days ago. I found it by just looking at the community and searching IQ. It was on page 2 for me.
Also, what do you even mean doxxing them? Nobody said anything about posting their real name and address.
Ah, good advice. Thanks! The first one I spotted had an i5-7500T in it, so I don’t think 7th gen ones will be all that rare.
This is a fantastic idea, thanks. I’ve been intending to set up a media server for awhile now.
…maybe some of them?
I have no idea why a laptop with dedicated graphics would do that because it would add latency and simply not be necessary.
Then why is your political affiliation relevant?
There’s an incredibly simple solution to not caring about politics: not caring about politics.
It’s a little more complicated than that.
I’ve been interested in mythologies for a long time and in my experience this phrase literally always applies.
But I didn’t actually know most of that, really interesting! Thank you.
Pete Buttigege
Jesus christ. And when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
Shinto’s Izanagi wasn’t really the “head god” I thought? He was the creator deity, and fathered the rest but that’s true for Ouranos in Greek myth and I don’t think he’d be considered a primary deity at all.
From my understanding that was Amaterasu. Wikipedia agrees, for whatever that’s worth.
Often considered the chief deity (kami) of the Shinto pantheon, she is also portrayed in Japan’s earliest literary texts, the Kojiki
I don’t really know of any other solid examples of a female-led pantheon, though.
Source? The link in the OP says a ~3060 or 6600XT for recommended settings. No clue what the ‘recommended’ settings are, though.
It’s just a preorder for DLC, basically, or if they’re all released it’s just a DLC bundle pack.
Firstly, and it’s honestly a minor issue, I think your question will draw more answers if it had a title that at least mentions the crux of the question, that is “what is a western style room/home?”.
I absolutely despise when people do that- it’s a pet peeve of mine.
Anyone that is on 10 still isn’t going to go to Linux
Eh, there’s a few of us. I intend to at least give Linux a solid try before I swap to Win11.
My thoughts are that at that point I realistically have to swap anyways. It’s just a question of whether I’m going to Win11- which I’ll have to customize to my preferences and generally figure out, or Linux- which I’ll have to customize to my preferences and generally figure out.
I’m on the tech savvy side of things, and I still find Linux intimidating so I don’t think this will be a mass migration to Linux or anything.
I’ve considered Linux a couple times in the past, but generally stayed away because my PC is primarily used for gaming which didn’t have the best support then. Things are kinda different now- support is generally better.
TIL these games are based on 3E and 3.5E. Neat. I might have to give a remaster a go just for that.
I don’t know. I have played very little CK3.
Honestly I’ve never really considered Jock a gendered term. I think personally I’d probably just use Jock as a gender neutral term.
idk about that. Tomboy means more than ‘girl that does sports’. If anything, I’d say the sports aspects are the additional connotations it’s gained more recently.
“Expelling the Jews” is a mechanic in Crusader Kings 2. And it gets abused like it did historically, too- borrow a shitload of money and then expel the Jews. Suddenly you found free money.
Eh. Well, opinions.
I thought so too after that first trailer, looked really rough. The combat looked absolutely terrible.
They released another trailer awhile ago that seemed drastically improved so I’m moderately interested in the game. I’m not on the edge of my seat and preordering or anything, but I’ll look into it when it releases.
Even if they’re obsolete there will almost certainly be some way to retrieve your data unless you’re expecting to go away for a LONG time- if you went away in the 90s and did this I’m pretty sure it’d be as simple as buying a SATA-IDE adapter.