They did say just the conversion cost that much. The most expensive thing was probably the AC unit to convert it into a nerd studio. The rest of the stuff is what you place the now-converted room.
They did say just the conversion cost that much. The most expensive thing was probably the AC unit to convert it into a nerd studio. The rest of the stuff is what you place the now-converted room.
I feel like in n out fries by default are way too under-cooked. They’re basically floppy little potato tubes. You can order them light well and they fry them for just a bit longer so they don’t suck. You can also get them well done, but then they’re basically just potato chip sticks.
Man, the Netherlands sound pretty pleasant, overall.
Humidity plays a big part of that I think. Like, don’t older folks start dropping in England around 85-90f because of the humidity there? In Phoenix 107 sucks hard, but it’s dry so you can still effectively cool off.
Just fyi, I believe T-Mobile is one of the main networks that Fi uses. So it’s still possibly network related.
Algorithms don’t have “inspiration”.
I’m not sure what country you’re in, but have you tried Amazon? I found Verbatim 50 packs of 25GB for $40 and Ridata (usually good quality discs) for $28. If you want small amounts there’s various 5 packs for less than $10.
About the standing thing: the beauty is the current Supreme Court has eliminated that as a real requirement, so you can just have someone sue for theoretical harm and be all good.
Mine does that too. It’s actually all done on device with a special chip and it periodically updates a database on the phone with digital fingerprints for songs. You’ll notice sometimes it’s just wrong or thinks fan noises are music playing.
If you use brave and block scripts you can download all you want. Not that there’s anything really worth taking from there.
Especially with the smelly vagina point earlier in the list. 🤢
Oh, man, that’s really adorable. Our boy cat guards the bathroom when I use it. If he sees me walking towards the bathroom he runs full speed down the hallway so he can meet me in there. It’s hilarious.
If you’re not arriving sales I dunno what you’re even doing.
Be prepared to find parts of roaches scattered around your house. I took to putting my pants up a bit so that my cat won’t leave a partially eaten roach body in my jeans as a present.
Samsung and pixels have been doing 3-4 years of updates for a while now, and pixels are moving to 5 years with the 8 series coming out in a couple months.
Trust me, it’s never intentional.
Grilled. If it’s too hot (I’m in Arizona) we have a cast iron pan with ridges that kinda fry-grills them. Also always grilled or toasted buns.
I could never boil hot dogs. They’ve already had such a rough life, it just feels insulting.
It can reach almost 50C right here in the US, even.
That’s not a remake, though, right?
I feel like calling your soda “Real Dr” is kind of pushing it.