
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • But at least we’re treating brown people worse, while not achieving anything, so the PVV voters are getting what they want. Not doing anything about pollution from cattle is exactly what the BBB wants. Not limiting corporate profits is exactly what the VVD wants. And NSC gets to look moderately relevant when they shout “but what about subsection 7c about the 17th of repayment plans? That’s 0.1% off where it should be!”

    Honestly, we are getting exactly what we voted for. The problem is that we once again voted for a bunch of scumbag assholes.

  • … damn, these results are shockingly good, for a robot being given several English sentences. For zero human effort being put in - these models reproduced all the basic functionality of the game in question?

    Obviously not. The models were trained online, and that includes the code to hundreds of pacman clones on GitHub, all accompanies by the info in the prompt used.

    Considering they had perfect training data, the output is shockingly bad