Anduril is on there, bur Rheinmetal isn’t? Boooo
Anduril is on there, bur Rheinmetal isn’t? Boooo
I feel like the amount of bigots in a game that requires knowing lots of words is below the population average.
But not THAT far.
Yeah, telling the Tired, Poor and Huddled masses to go fuck themselves isn’t ok.
Folding canards, so we can cobra like an actual cobra!
Yeah, but I hear it also needs sunlight
It’s just that Scottish weather is so shit, the grass doesn’t grow there
I was one of those idiots who paid for the kickstarter, got some free ships, played the “game”… and then made quite a bit of money selling those ships and never looking at the game ever again.
But at least we’re treating brown people worse, while not achieving anything, so the PVV voters are getting what they want. Not doing anything about pollution from cattle is exactly what the BBB wants. Not limiting corporate profits is exactly what the VVD wants. And NSC gets to look moderately relevant when they shout “but what about subsection 7c about the 17th of repayment plans? That’s 0.1% off where it should be!”
Honestly, we are getting exactly what we voted for. The problem is that we once again voted for a bunch of scumbag assholes.
And let me just add, Musk ordered the LIDAR removed against the engineers better judgement.
I can’t tell if this is about eggs, or eggs.
without people scoffing like it can only copy-paste whole things that already exist?
I’m actually scoffing it’s not even capable of doing that very well.
It’s a pretty simple question though, it just requires sanitized training data. Don’t include Pacman code, and then ask it for that.
I mean, Ariel had bottom magic, no surgery needed, right?
… damn, these results are shockingly good, for a robot being given several English sentences. For zero human effort being put in - these models reproduced all the basic functionality of the game in question?
Obviously not. The models were trained online, and that includes the code to hundreds of pacman clones on GitHub, all accompanies by the info in the prompt used.
Considering they had perfect training data, the output is shockingly bad
Oh yeah, there’s at least 2 reason why he’s wearing a diaper
It probably depends on what they were used for. I’m dutch too, but I did chemistry and civil engineering so I never used animals myself.
There’s always rivalry between physicist and biologists. Or chemists and biologists. Or biologists and biologists. Damn biologists, they ruined biology!
And look at those sleek lines, not like a certain obese US jet
A fractal opera house camo would be fucking amazing
Only slightly harder than limestone. Which is also why you don’t see many buildings made from granite, which is stupidly hard.