First, I check the lower power company’s website for an estimate of when the power will come back on. If no one reported the outage, I’ll take a few minutes to do so. We usually have the battery powered lights out during a storm, if it’s a surpise outage, I go fetch the lights.
If the outage is going to be longer than 6 hours, I go buy some gas for the generator. I pour what isn’t used during the outage into the car’s fuel tank.
I use an rss reader on my phone with a lot of saved articles. I try to get through some of those.
When it to stops raining or snowing I pull the genny out of the shed, fuel it, get it running. Next, I run a few extension cords for the fridge and freezer.
Three days. I just wasn’t tired. The extra free time was great but I was getting worried.
Years before that I was awake for 36 hours. This didn’t end well, which is why the more recent episode was starting to worry me. I was coasting down a hill on a bicycle and fell asleep. I nodded off just long enough to lose my balance. 3 stitches in my head ( I still have the bump as a reminder ), left knee swollen like a football, lots of roadrash.
I’m very glad I didn’t have a drivers’ license at the time as this could have been much worse.