I’m surprised you didn’t get the “I can’t talk about politics” response. Even Elon musk is covered under that apparently.
Yeah I think it’s kind of sad. He’s mentally ill and nobody can help him.
Their base doesn’t care. They move from topic to topic and focus on the latest outrage of the week. Just like everybody else. This is not exclusive to the conservatives, and pointing it out to anybody will not change their mind in the slightest.
Rules here are: Mod deletes what they don’t like.
Unlike other data sources, this information includes gang shootings, domestic violence, shootings at sports games and afterhours school events, suicides, fights that escalate into shootings, and accidents.
So, not school shootings. When you artificially inflate the data people don’t take you seriously.
Don’t fool yourselves. This happens to any “blank canvas” ie truck or car left in a bad neighborhood. Ain’t nobody targeting shit.
And as I said, just because you disagree doesn’t mean I’m incorrect. This is an argument of opinions with facts that may support each side when interpreted through a different lens. Stop being a condescending prick and accept your opinions aren’t always perfect.
“dunked on”. No. I just don’t agree with the majority of the site. That doesn’t mean I’m getting “dunked on”. It just means opinions differ.
Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you’re correct. Be better. Use your brain.
And yet we’ve developed faster and faster until this point with no signs of slowing down. Do you really think you don’t have it a million times better today than somebody living in a time of barter and trade? Back when infant mortality was 50%, and disease had no cures?
You should be better. I’m fine where I am.
Welcome to the human condition. In order for any kind of society or modern convenience to exist we need collaboration which doesn’t come naturally between groups.
Borders protect the values of a country. Not necessarily of any morals, but more so the power established and concentrated by their rules and environment. Rampant and uncontrolled immigration allows any Tom Dick and Harry to enter even if they hold values or completely contrary to what benefits that nation. Pretty much everything you benefit from in Western civilization comes as a result of compounding the efforts of a combined will for betterment. Doesn’t matter what race, just that there’s a concentrated will. That’s why anarchism will never work.
If you believe being picky is racist then you’re a moron.
Ah yes. Nationalism. Truly one of the great evils of society. Never mind that it’s fundamental to countries existing and thriving.
You people act like denying medical claims which eventually lead to death was murder, when there were other options the ill might have taken. He didn’t pull a trigger or order anyone to do so. These were dying people already. Nature pulled that trigger.
Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely think it was a horrible thing to do as a large medical insurance provider, but you CANNOT conflate the CEO of an unethical company to a guy who orchestrated the direct killing of thousands of people in one attack.