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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That works for consumers because they don’t have nothing to lose. Smaller devs will still gravitate towards Unity because the various fees don’t apply to them, but any big studio won’t touch it with a ten feet pole. Immagine putting the salaries of a full studio in the hands of a company that might decide out of the blue to ruin your business model, it’s a nightmare scenario for any CEO! More so when there are viable alternatives

  • The first three books of the original trilogy are quite good, I enjoyed them a lot and I think they work quite well even on their own as more action focused scifi books. The fourth one is garbage, it’s an unnecessary addition to a complete trilogy and it caused quite the controversy at the time because it got a lot of stuff wrong about the universe. The comics are fun but nothing groundbreaking, most of them cover some side stories about characters that happen between me2 and 3. I havent read the Andromeda ones but I’ve heard good things, iirc the quarian one was supposed to be a DLC that got scrapped and then turned into a book