TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • Oh boy do I fucking hate privatized toilet paper. Just fucking nationalize it already. We as a society have grown past the need to spend millions upon millions on advertisements to get you to wipe your ass with Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Charmin, whatever. We don’t fucking NEED the Charmin Bears to tell us to wipe our asses, we will do that regardless. We don’t NEED to have toilet paper producers competing to sell us shit wiping paper. Just redirect the egregious advertising budgets and executive salaries to distribution logistics and ensure we all can wipe our fucking asses. Cacapeepeetalism.

  • On not being a doomer, having solidarity, working together and motivating me out of the slump I’ve been in lately:
    pg. 143

    The people who make a difference in history are those who fight for freedom – not because they’re guaranteed to succeed – but because it’s the right thing to do.

    pg. 141

    The truth is, you and I are the stuff that great leaders are made of. We don’t have to wait for a distinguished white man on a horse or a politician wealthy enough to win office in a multimillion dollar campaign to usher in justice and equality. The ranks of rebellions and revolutions that have shaped human history have been made up of people like you and me. That history lesson has been purposefully kept from us.

    pg. 136

    To safeguard what we’ve won and to move forward requires securing, solidifying, and making more permanent alliances with other who are hurt by the same system. Consciousness plays an important role in cementing this coalition. Shared consciousness becomes a material force because what you’re fighting for and what you are determined to win together has a big impact on how your foes react to you.

    pg. 121

    The essential glue of teamwork is recognition of the value each individual brings to the group.