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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • It’s a tough call to make, isn’t it? Baring a candidate is inherently undemocratic, surely in a perfect democracy any candidate who is receiving votes should be considered. However given the current state of global politics, it’s also equally true that any candidate who is being manipulated by an outside government (such as allegedly Russia/USA in this example) should be restricted for the very same reasoning of allowing the voters to have their say without interference or manipulation by people who have an interest in the election being decided undemocraticly.

    Ultimately, the decision to prevent any candidate, popular or not, is one that should not be taken lightly. And yet must also be a decision that can and should be made under the right conditions to protect the democratic nature of elections.

    I sincerely hope that the people who made the decision in this case explain their reasoning publicly, and have a very good justification for doing so.

  • If you’re far enough outside of the cities (or willing to drive) you can also often buy direct from farms, cutting out the middlemen that all demand their own cut. And don’t forget places like NQR and The Reject Shop for non-perishables.

    I would also urge people to find their local community garden and/or food bank. If you need the support, there is no shame at all in accepting it from your community. If you don’t currently need the support, offer to do what you can to help those that do need it. The more we can help each other, the less we need corporations like Coles and Woolworths.

  • I suspect that a large part of the problem is a combination of hearing loss and a lack of subconscious awareness of their phone. In both cases (and especially combined), they would likely not even hear the notification if it was at a volume you or I would consider reasonable. So, from their perspective, it is quiet. Any quieter and it would be too quiet to notice.

    Of course, anyone capable of basic empathy would also realise that such a perspective is their subjective experience of the world and simply turn the volume off/down until later to avoid annoying other people. Sadly, many of their ilk seem to have forgotten the lessons they taught us as kids.

  • Only you can really answer that question, but here’s my take at least.

    When we are young, the world feels magical and mysterious. We are convinced that there’s dragons living in the mountains, and kraken in the oceans. We are so sure that we spotted a fairy in the garden or a mermaid at the pool And then there’s the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause who leave an obvious trace. But as we get older, that magic seems to fade. We instead see the world for the boring corporate reality that it is. And yet there’s still a part of us that hopes. Hopes that Bigfoot is walking around out there somewhere. Hope that Nessy really is swimming around in some undiscovered cave network beneath Scotland. Hope that the fuzzy photo of a smudge really is an Alian spacecraft come to make our world feel magical again.

    As the great Sir Terry Pratchet once wrote

    “All right," said Susan. “I’m not stupid. You’re saying humans need… fantasies to make life bearable.”


    “Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—”


    “So we can believe the big ones?”


  • I once worked with a guy who did the opposite of this. He just randomly mentioned that he had a twin brother one day, which no-one believed given how long we had all known him. But he persisted by casually talking about him in regular conversation. Nothing overly noticeable, just enough to plant the idea in people’s mind that he did indeed have a twin brother. Around the same time he started growing his beard out and really made it his personality for several months to be the guy with a beard. It all came together one day, he finished his shift around lunch time and left like usual with his glorious beard. Unbeknownst all but a select few of us, he hadn’t actually left. He left the store and drove his car around the corner to the other car park then used the sink in a nearby public toilet to completely shave his beard off and changed his clothes. Then he just walked in through the front door, introduced himself as the name he had been using for his fake twin brother and asked if his brother was there. He always had a reputation as a joker, but I don’t think any of us truly believed anything he said after that. Not that he cared. It still cracked him up years later when folks were telling the tale to the newbies.

  • I’m quite proud of the system I have for the Orcs of my world. Essentially they live in tribes with a clear leader who sets all the rules and expected behaviours for their tribe known as traditions. Tribe members follow the traditions without question most of the time. But there is a cultural expectation that if any tribe member feels a tradition is wrong or no longer necessary, they must call this out and be ready to stand by their ideas. The leader must provide the tribe member time and opportunity to gain followers to their traditions and then gift them resources to start their own tribe. In this way the tribes with the best traditions tend to grow and the tribes with poor traditions either die out or are absorbed by larger tribes.

    I like the idea that a new player coming to my games will be able to make assumptions about orc culture based on preconceptions made from other depictions of orcs over the years, and it would be fairly accurate for my world on a surface level, but there’s so much more to it.

  • Brilliantly said. Chasing those “higher highs” can feel like an obligation at times. But I think it’s important to understand that it’s a feeling that is coming from yourself and your own deeper needs as a person. And not, as I believe the person I was replying to was thinking, some sort of societal pressure to conform and “do the right thing.”

    Both interpretations of the word “obligation” are technically correct. But I think that it’s one of those things in life where the only way to truly understand the intended interpretation is to have been a parent for yourself. Somehow it can be both a great chore and burden sometimes, but it’s one you choose to put upon yourself because the rewards are sooooo worth it.

  • “I’m not feeling in the mood right now but I am aware that every moment is precious and pushing through this momentary feeling will result in a far greater feeling of happiness for both me and my child into our future when the opportunities to just play together become few and far between.”

    Sometimes you have to look past the choice of words to see the message being conveyed. The point wasn’t that they were dreading playing with their child, it was that despite other factors in their life, they wanted to cherish the moment. The lack of choice was not born of obligation, but of a need for deep and meaningful happiness, and that is the wholesome message you think it is.