that’s great, I didn’t know about any of the other heathcliff edits.
That’s a good point about seeing the edit first allowing you to view the content from outside of the box.
thanks for answering, I appreciate it, and I look forward to not seeing heathcliff some more.
have a good one.
“How exactly is ignoring the scientific protocol and interpreting random things as “scientific evidence” something reasonable?”
it isn’t, as I’ve stayed in multiple times. your irrational fear of scientific evidence as something “unreasonable” is one of your problems.
“…those are your proofs?”
nnnope, those sound like more things you’re making up in your head.
“None of those hold to scientific standard”
you not understanding how radar, video and photos work doesn’t mean that radar, video and photo evidence isn’t real.
you are just ignorant.
“It has nothing to do with Galileo or made-up statistics.”
and yet you consistently bring them up for no reason.
again, radar is not a conspiracy. video is not a conspiracy. these are simple recording and measurement tools that you are ignorant of.
radiation is not a conspiracy. it occurs all around you all the time.
“Not a single record on earth made it past the scientific protocol”
…you should definitely try to explain this.
I am laughing at everything you write, but I expect you trying to prove that there’s never been a “single record on Earth that made it past the scientific protocol” should be hilarious.
“If it did, it would be admitted by science.”
you doubt that video, photo and radar have been admitted by science?
are you ancient or perhaps 3 years old?
boy are you in for a surprise.
those technologies, and many others, are well documented and scientifically accepted.
what methodology do you think the screen you’re staring at right now is a product of If not the scientific process?