what a dusty, dirty media world.
at least LLMs have arrived just in time to save the day.
what a weird article.
a lengthy speculation about a rumor that both sides deny regarding a merger that makes no sense for either side.
for tsmc, this would be like an electric car company in 2025 agreeing to take responsibility for outdated factory equipment from 2015, and for Intel they’d basically just be handing over their still financially successful business to their top competitor.
I don’t see why this is an article.
hahah, what the heck is with those opening two paragraphs?
it’s a good thing.
except that he is a weak child preying on average American insecurities.
headlines are polite to Trump to the point of being disingenuous.
Great review, I am sold. I actually kind of skimmed over the end of it because I didn’t want to spoil anything and just go in blind, I love the initial description of inhabiting hand-drawn animated world and am eager to check it out.
20 to 30% have some form of complications, it’s particularly severe in the vulnerable, very young, very old and compromised immune systems.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection.
it’s highly transmissible, 9 out of 10 people who are exposed and unvaccinated will get it.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.
got it thanks, I read a lot of the transcript, what a piece of shit Trump is.
regardless of any amount of resources given to Ukraine, The length of time Russia has been militarily unable to successfully campaign against one of the weakest European countries was astonishing and extremely enlightening as to the state of their military readiness.
before Russia exposed itself, this sort of matchup very much seemed like if the US decided to invade Colombia, made very little progress for 3 years, and then lost territory to Colombia(imagining they bordered Colombia).
Russia losing to Ukraine would have seemed absurd until all of the weaknesses and false pretenses of Russian military power were exposed.
now it turns out Europe had a paper tiger for 40 years that world leaders were wrongly extolling the military virtues and dangers of.
it’s not to say that Russia is harmless, because they’re willing to sacrifice millions of soldiers, but they simply do not pose the legacy world-power conquering danger that everybody assumed they did for over a generation.
and to belabor the point, they are failing against a single, relatively and especially at the time, unprepared and militarily weak country the Russia had literally signed a treaty not to invade.
I’ve hiked mountains and volcanoes, and hiked national trails for months at a time in Japan, portugal, Italy, and i wouldn’t say it’s more rewarding to climb mountains.
you sound like you’re leaning toward walking anyway, and I personally love walking because you’re going slow enough and it’s comfortable enough that you can appreciate everything going on around you at all times, rather than only at the peak or the summit or particular lookout points.
there are far less things to worry about, oxygen, dehydration, joint sprains, and you can enjoy the extended stroll.
I think the body conditions very quickly, and you probably would be able to hack a month in the mountains, but it’s also very healthy to walk, and I find it much more enjoyable as an overall long-term process.
the lifelong disabilities will be awful
welp, chuckled out loud, love it
video? fine.
20 minutes video?
who are you kidding?
“looking like a dick idiot in front of the world.”
thanks that whole article is bananas, i don’t think i could stand to watch the video though
Europe is already ramping up spending, and several countries have had it explicitly clear that they will be taking up the burden trump is running away from.
it’s nice for then that Russia has more bodies, but it hasn’t helped them so far in any capacity that has been bandied about for the past three years.
i was making this same point three years ago, that on paper everyone was terrified of the Russian military until Russia showed themselves militarily incapable of planning for or executing a campaign against a happy smaller country with badly inferior numbers and equipment.
same point 2 years ago, then 1, same conclusion today.
the however many years it takes Russia to “win”(by this point they’ve lost no matter what in practical terms), the EU will be fully ready to defend itself.
the 1 week it was supposed to take Russia to conquer ukraine has turned into what, 160 weeks and counting?
without making significant progress?
in those three years, multiple EU powers have already changed their policies and now spend record numbers on defense and military equipment production, specifically to deal with Russia if they ever become a threat to the larger European continent.
Russia has used up 20% of their active military personnel and a lot of their equipment fighting one of the weakest European countries to barely a stalemate, even losing sovereign ground to Ukraine.
so it doesn’t really matter how long ukraine can resist Russia; Russia far overplayed its hand and doesn’t seem to have much of a chance of “conquering” any further by letting everyone know how weak Russia is militarily and giving everyone else years to prepare for any more bullshit Russia tries to pull
i caught the bus for the glory of the empire
oh, thanks, I just read some articles about his death, that is very weird.