Eh. 900 people per week were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2022, and the numbers are climbing alarmingly, resulting in the first quarter of 2023 having the highest number of fatalities on record. (source: NHTSA).
And do we need to talk about the cost of disabilities from motor vehicle injuries vs. long covid?
Look, I’m all for keeping an eye on the infernal COVID. I’m all for taking reasonable precautions. But this incessant screeching needs to stop.
Eh. 900 people per week were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2022, and the numbers are climbing alarmingly, resulting in the first quarter of 2023 having the highest number of fatalities on record. (source: NHTSA).
And do we need to talk about the cost of disabilities from motor vehicle injuries vs. long covid?
Look, I’m all for keeping an eye on the infernal COVID. I’m all for taking reasonable precautions. But this incessant screeching needs to stop.