Was it ‘against the rules’ to just shoot the horse they were riding? Poor fella has no armor.
Was it ‘against the rules’ to just shoot the horse they were riding? Poor fella has no armor.
Your reply makes no sense to me.
Go ahead and look it up then.
Unless I read the comment wrong… then Ill say I haven’t seen anything about too much being physically bad for you.
As long as you’re not neglecting things like relationships or work etc to do it. Like Nelots said above
Doctors are held to a higher degree than our police officers are, so yes. I’d take my chances with getting those two incompetent doctors.
Expecially since if I’m unhappy with my care, I can choose a different one.
Can I do that with a police officer?
No, no I cannot.
Even if something goes wrong with that doctor, if I’m still alive, I’ll be able to take action against them, taking action against a police officer?
If you have a pit with a hundred snakes, and only two of them are aggressive and venomous, would you climb into that pit?
I sure as hell wouldn’t
It doesn’t matter if there are good cops, the few bad cops ruin all of them because it’s a dice roll who you get.
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If you enjoy books, the book is so so much better.
I don’t think daddy trump ate as much McDonald’s as he does.