
  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Wooky@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🐮🔫🤠
    1 year ago

    Ich koche/backe mit Hafer-/Sojamilch exakt so, wie ich es zuvor mit Kuhmilch getan habe. Weder bei Geschmack noch bei Konsistenz erkenne ich Unterschiede.

    Was hast du denn für Erfahrungen gemacht, dass du das behauptest?

    Der bisher einzige Fehlschlag fand statt als ich mit Hafermilch Pudding kochen wollte. Der wurde nicht fest wegen der Amylase. Mit Sojamilch hat’s dann aber einwandfrei funktioniert.

  • There already is free, non-judgemental help available for alcoholics here in Germany. Yet, we still have a lot of alcoholics in our society. If you have an issue with substance abuse, it won’t help you, if you will be prosecuted for it. Addicts will allways find (potentially dangerous) ways to get their drug of choice.

    I agree though, that there should be a lot more of these addiction care programs. There also should be a lot more (truthful) awareness campaigns and the glorification of alcohol (or any other substance) through advertising shouldn’t exist.

    On the other hand, I don’t think there should be any law about what I, as an adult, can do to my own body, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else.

  • I understand where you are coming from but I don’t think monthly limitations for e.g. alcohol will reduce casualties. It could even achieve the opposite. 50 bottles of beer/month would suffice for most of the population, but would also push heavier drinkers towards an unregulated black market with all of the negative side effects. Just think of methanol poisoning via homemade moonshine.

    Back to cannabis: Black market dealers won’t offer you help to reduce your consumption or make you reflect about your usage. Dispensaries or CSCs on the other hand could fulfill this role. And lastly, there are peope who function just fine and live a “normal” life while smoking >2g of weed a day. It feels unjust to me to still criminalize these people, as they potentially will only harm themselves.