Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.
Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.
Woah, first I’m hearing about this. How’s it work? What’s it called? How do you find a place?
Surprisingly, Star Wars is a great example of this. A rinky dink political group (rebels) blowing up a military installation (death star) is terrorism. That does not mean the action was unjustified.
We have to do this again tomorrow???
That feels like the government placing limits on the rights of corporations to express political views, which SCOTUS has stated is illegal (if you define speech as campaign contributions, which it does).
We created an abstract concept that links ‘real’ phenomenon (the actual physical changes due to force). Humans created a concept that allows us to take a ton of seemingly unconnected forces and use this invented currency to predict the resultant forces.
It’s obviously a stretch, and an observed pattern, but the concept of energy is almost more of an emergent phenomenon of more fundamental properties.
I mean, she just has to serve out once in a match to win the scenario in this question. I don’t think it’s that unreasonable.
My enemy’s enemy…
A medium of exchange for force.
A photon of a certain wavelength imparts a known force when colliding with an electron. That force propels the electron to a higher orbital.
Great write up.
Agreed, the money analogy breaks down when you bring in the cost fluctuation of a good. The whole purpose of energy is that the same conditions result in the same energy calculation.
All those things have energy, but they aren’t energy. For example, with microwaves the energy is proportional to the wavelength. Nuclear radiation comes in 4 forms, three of them are fast moving particles, one of them is photons. Energy allows us to say this light wave with a specific wavelength has the same amount of energy as this beta emission electron with a specific speed, mass, and charge.
People died from the interaction small wavelength photons imparting momentum on the atoms on their body, or fast moving particles colliding with the atoms in their body.
If someone fell off a building and died I don’t think anyone would say ‘energy did that’. The person died as a result of transferring a lot of kinetic energy to the ground though.
Agree with the sentiment, but FDR was less than 100 years ago. He was a damned good world leader IMO.
Yay! Something to look forward to!
They also quite demanding of what types of food to eat to the point where they make us crave what they crave.
If he tried, it would at the very least cause a constitutional crisis. Not to say that means much anymore, but it’s a thread I’m willing to hang onto.
Love it when you provide sources.
I think deep state here refers to unelected government officials.
The cars done even use Tesla’s famous electric motor design (induction motors), I believe they use switched reluctance motors. Def a smart design choice, but not on brand!