I loved it! I had played Zero awhile ago but only just recently played Azure. It was so good! Azure is probably my favourite so far. I’ve not started the Erebonia arc yet but I’m looking forward to it!
I was playing it though and was like this could also be called Trails of Randy haha. I actually really liked how much they expanded on his character though. I knew a couple major spoilers going into it which is probably why I put off playing it but I’m so glad I finally got to it.
If I had to rank what I’ve played so far it would be:
- Azure
- Sky SC
- Zero
- Sky FC
- Sky 3rd
Unicorn Overlord! It really is as good as people say. I’ve not played any Tactics Ogre games but many people say that it reminds them of those games. It’s very different than Fire Emblem or FF Tactics, it’s all in real time(but can be paused) and it’s not grid based. I haven’t played FF Tactics but have played Three Houses and Engage. Unicorn Overlord feels very unique compared to those games.