Its the information flow i think , speed that up and everything else speeds up considerably … but its fun living 3000 km away from the dumpsterfire of US and watching it unravell
Yeah , i tend to forget its a necesity over there
Im still surprised by the US car culture … im 26 and dont drive at all . I do live in a european city with middle of the road public transit at best , but i never had the need for a car , its a luxury i dont want nor need.
Haiku-bot , is that you ?
Whats up with .ml , i just saw it and made an acc there ?
Wellp , the US is on a fast track to open authoritarianism , its not everyday that empires fall
How many leaks were there ? War Thunder forums are next level military security and intel threat … weapons grade autism
Eve online took a lot from me , but it gave back a lot more … i think everyone who plays it is on the spectrum, no other explanation tbh
Damn , Loss-torian over here , tnx for the good read
No , why , why would you do that ?!
Damn , that one we’ll never forget ! Dicks out for Harambe !!!
Or was it Hurricane ?
Weird how people will never understand
Im still surprised by that , the quality of education in my country is low but holly fuck im stunned by the lack of education in the states
And you can edit them and add places that are missing
Not rly a podcast but looong (3+hr episodes) video series caller “fall of civilisations” about fall of civilisations in ancient times , history of the civ , what lead to the fall , the fall itself and the aftermath