Now it solved with recent update. Thanks a lot! Much better with it.
Now it solved with recent update. Thanks a lot! Much better with it.
Mine are disappear. And it need to type at least one more letter (then erase it back) in input field to search once more and to see results on the same string back. Using Jerboa via f-droid.
undef is ok, but in fact that is the bigger’s right, because of the most of users are english if undef; communities can be multilanguages by design, but they are not; and if two or more languages is used at them it will be a hell confusion in threads
очень просто: все посты маркируются по-дефолту родным языком, чего я здесь не вижу (по-крайней мере в приложении), а в отдельных случаях язык меняется вручную
реализация чисто через теги? тому, кто постит, достаточно будет добавить #lang_ru или как-то хитрее?
but not in jerboa application? it is so fundamental feature, as I see…
В конце - Линукс. Linux at the end.