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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The big problem is that the amount of effort, and the numbers killed, will be much smaller if done before all democratic infrastructure has been destroyed. The flipside, as you rightly allude, is not enough people yet understand where this going, and thus action may be seen as too precipitate.

    When everything has been burned down and it’s blatantly obvious how this goes it will be VERY hard to over throw it

  • Y’know I think we’re arguing pointlessly here. Put that energy and anger you have into getting people onto the street, enough people (100s of thousands) does have impact, but just maybe try taking on board what everyone is trying to say which is that you need more than protests, you absolutely need strikes, and possibly more.

  • abrasiveteapottoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAre we winning yet?
    1 month ago

    I googled 50501 from the info on here. Not a single entry from major US media, every single one is a regional paper - with one exception - there was an AP article 2 weeks ago.

    I’m afraid I don’t usually turn to the Baltimore Sun or the Staunton Register for my US news - first two entries - where the hell even IS Staunton.

    No, the BBC isn’t covering it (typing 50501 into the search bar got me “Is American cheese really that bad” from 2019 (no I dont understand either)

    The last coverage by majors such as CNN and APnews and reuters who ARE who I look to for US news was two weeks ago (16days to be precise) so if there have been many protests since then as you claim then it does indeed look like they are ignoring it

    A search on AP news for “protests” sorted by new has me scrolling down about 70-80 items before I find out that 300 people are protesting being sacked from the DHH.

    Then another 2 pages to find a rally in california a couple days ago.

    None of these were on the AP home page headlines, none of these come up in the RSS ticker feed. If it’s not a media blackout they sure don’t think these protests matter

  • abrasiveteapottoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAre we winning yet?
    1 month ago

    Mate it’s a bit bloody hard to join from the UK so shove your insults up your arse. I’m not American and I can assure you that this isnt making it on to the major networks (US or international) in any meaningful way. Hence the “media blackout” comment - because that’s how it looks.

  • So basically you’re too lazy to do a bit of reading and make a plan ? You want someone to lay it out for you ?

    Either take control of your life or don’t whine that “nobody told me” when you get sent to a camp.

    Continuing to do what is proven not to work is insanity. “Maybe this time it will work”

    I’m not am American, I’m not going to tell you what the right course of action is, nor am I about to do your planning for you.

    Are you looking to change this or just to be able to say “well I tried” after putting in limited ineffectual effort ?

    Be aware, all the passive political campaigners in Germany ended up in camps or shot. It’s not the “safe” option you seem to think it is

  • You need to look at what has successfully caused the overthrow of dictators over the centuries, consider what tools and options you have available to you and act accordingly.

    Given Agent Orange is speed running through the Hitler playbook for removing democratic institutions I agree with the other poster, it is near enough certain that the mid terms won’t be free&fair. They will definitely be rigged.

    Your chance of fixing this at the ballotbox is near enough zero. You need to look at what has worked (Maidan revolution for example) and what didn’t work (resistance in Germany to Hitler) then decide on what you can do.

    If you elect to pin your hopes on a democratic resolution to a fascist dictator you will be disappointed.

  • “Longer for other countries to see what’s going on” ?

    The fuck dude, what exactly are you expecting us to do about it ? You guys elected him (well supposedly, I’m skeptical it was a fair election but anyway).

    You seriously want the rest of the world to do a coup and topple your elected head of state ? Even assuming we collectively had the military heft to do so (we don’t) many Americans who would otherwise be against him would line up behind him (and rightly so)

    YOU guys (USA) collectively created this, you need to find yourselves a solution. We can’t fix this for you.

    If you look at Hitler’s first 3 months you should get a good idea what will work and what the consequences of leaving action too late will be.