• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Kind of the whole point of nuclear dissuasion is that we are not, in fact, going to ever do that. And ignoring the existence of nukes (lol), attacking the US on their hometurf is such a monumentally stupid idea people still wonder what went through the Japanese High Command’s mind 80 years ago.

    Stop asking Europe for help, because you’re not getting it. You’ve alienated your allies and broken your democracy beyond repair. Either use that 2nd amendment of yours to the fullest extent of its spirit or STFU with the “pwease stop him we’re scawed :(((” rhetoric. We have way more reasons to be scared because we don’t live next door to white cishet male Americans to shield us from his madness. Stop with the victim blaming. Either you stop this child or he starts a war with your assent.

  • azertyfuntomemes@lemmy.worldtruex
    6 days ago

    The Latin thing is only a partial explanation. Some of it is changes in pronunciation coupled with a very authoritarian attitude to orthography. Few languages out there that changed so little in 400 years.

    So for instance the -ent ending for plural verbs (“ils mangent”) is silent because the “ent” sounds were progressively dropped. Then the written suffix logically started disappearing, and only then did the Académie bring it back because it was more Latin. If it wasn’t for these reactionary fucks that rule would have been reformed centuries ago.

    Unfortunately in the intervening time, knowledge of orthography became a very strong social marker. Because spelling French is so hard, the dictée came to disproportionately affect grades (seriously, old-fashioned schools still do it daily and it’s all graded and very severely), which coupled with the industrial revolution and alphabetization of the lower classes meant that shit spelling = prole = bad. So now orthography is at the center of the traditional value system which has all the conservatives pearl-clutching at the idea that children can’t spell “nénuphar” properly. Children’s purported inability to spell properly is like the number one moral panic that has sprung up every few years for the last century or two, but also orthographic reforms are woke (derogatory). The point of orthography, to conservative types, is for it to be hard so you can show off your perfect spelling to justify your social standing.

  • This ain’t an insurance claim. Multiple parties can be, and are, in the wrong.

    The democratic party leadership should resign effective 10 years ago. It’s obviously entirely corrupted by corporate interests. The citizens who decided that was an excuse to sit on the sidelines to enable a full-blown fascist takeover are fascist enablers - which is not mutually exclusive with being victims. And they share the blame.

    Anyway none of that fucking matters anymore because america had its last free federal election. You’ll excuse the rest of the world for being bitter about it because, and I cannot stress enough how deadly serious I am writing these words, we’ll be insanely lucky if the Palestinian Genocide ends up being the worst humanitarian disaster to come out of Trump’s electoral win. This motherfucker has fully and irreversibly upended 80 years of Pax Americana and now after decades of relative standstill Nuclear Proliferation is once again underway as american allies can no longer rely on the nuclear umbrella and enemies are no longer betting on a coherent and predictable foreign policy. Canada, Poland, South Korea, and probably more are now seriously contemplating or already working on a nuclear weapons program, not to mention that he expedited Iran’s own nuclear program in his first term in case you forgot. The genuine threat of Nuclear War is once again looming on the horizon, even if most people are too dense or too wrapped up in culture wars to notice.

    So yeah, I’m real fucking mad at any fucking idiot American who ate the lies and astroturfing about Palestine, who refused to participate in harm reduction and subsequently enabled Trump and potentially doomed the whole of Humanity to a nuclear war in the medium term. From the bottom of my heart, fuck them.

  • I mean yeah it’s all very complex for sure. Managing a cluster is very involved and k8s administration is typically a completely separate role from dev/devops. I am comfortable with the idea and I still run my selfhosted setup on docker because it’s easier and I have no personal use for multi-node setups.

    However when you get down to it pretty much everything in k8s solves a real problem that in a “traditional” infra would require lots of ad-hoc bullshit. The ingress system of k8s is, at a high level, a standardized recreation of the typical “haproxy+nginx+ad-hoc provisioning” setup you’d find in a “classical” private cloud deployment. TLS in, send to nginx, nginx chooses a relevant healthy back-end and reverse proxies the request. K8s doesn’t really do anything crazy complex, the complexity is just inherent to having a many-to-many mapping of HTTP requests while optionally supporting multi-zone setups with local affinity and lifecycle management/awareness.

    But unlike with a traditional deployment there’s not a greybeard guru in the back who deployed it all and knows the ins-and-outs so it’s quite common that the complexity is not understood and underappreciated by the “admins”. That complexity is a blessing when you need to leverage it but a curse when you lack the expertise to understand what is happening holistically.

    Kind of like a linux distro… It’s amazing when it works but when libpam throws an error and you don’t even know what that library is or does, well you’re in for a fun evening.

  • The “problem” with k8s is not that it’s abstract-y (it’s not inherently any more abstract than docker), it’s that it’s very complex and enterprise-y.

    The need for such a complex orchestration layer is not necessarily immediately obvious, until you’ve worked on a complex infra setup that wasn’t deployed with kubernetes. Believe me when you’ve seen the depths of hell that are hundreds of separately configured customer setups using thousands of lines of ansible playbooks, all using ad-hoc systems for creating containers/VMs, with even more ad-hoc and hacked together development and staging environments, suddenly k8s starts looking very appetizing. Instead of an abominable spaghetti of bash scripts, playbooks, and random documentation, one common (albeit complex) set of tools understood by every professional which manages your application deployment & configuration, redundancy, software upgrades, firewall configs, etc.

    A small self-hosted production kubernetes cluster doesn’t have to be hard to operate or significantly more expensive than bare-metal; you can buy 3U of rack space, plop in 3 semi-large servers (think 128 GB plus a few TB of SSD RAID), install rancher and longhorn, and now you’ve got a prod cluster large enough for nearly every workload such that if you ever need to upgrade that means you have so many customers that hiring a k8s administrator will be a no-brainer.

    Or you can buy minutes from AWS because CapEx is the absolute devil and instead you pay several times as much in OpEx to make it someone else’s problem. But if you’re doing that then you’re not comparing against “installing things the old-fashioned way”.

  • azertyfunto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    11 days ago

    I am well aware but any artist that is signed to a large-ish label is unlikely to publish on bandcamp, much less soundcloud. There aren’t 50 ways to pirate mainstream music, it’s either the old-school way or ripping off youtube. Or so a friend told me.

    And any artists that do have a bandcamp I would feel bad about downloading their music without paying for it, these guys usually aren’t T-Swift rich…

  • azertyfunto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    11 days ago

    Which music library can it rip from? Last I checked it couldn’t do spotify’s due to the heavy DRM they use. All the tools you find online either do an audio out rip-and-reencode (lossy though minimally so) or more likely “look up on YouTube Music and download” which is objectively going to yield worse audio quality (though whether that matters for one’s usecase is very dependent on hardware and wetware specifics). The bigger problem with blind YouTube music rips is you’re occasionally going to end up with intros/outros and random diegetic noises from music videos.

  • I push for FOSS everywhere I can at work, but then we acquire a company and they casually drop “oh yeah we’ve built $solution on Azure Containers using Azure SDN with Azure API Gateway and Azure LoadBalancer and Azure Firewall and Azure Backups and Azure Georedundancy and we use Azure SAST and Azure pipelines (replace with microsoft marketing lingo as applicable - I don’t care to learn it). Aside from that we’re vendor-agnostic”.

    It’s astonishing how “we can use Azure/AWS but let’s not lock ourselves into proprietary solutions for which FOSS alternatives are readily available” is somehow a controversial statement in some software outfits. Ignoring the sovereignty concerns for a minute, from a business perspective you’re essentially putting all your eggs in one basket and hoping really hard that Microsoft or Amazon don’t pull a Broadcom and bankrupt you one day by hiking prices a few hundred percent.

    It boggles the mind how existentially reliant most of the digital world is on the whims of like, three unchecked billionaires.

  • Very hard disagree. Hearts and minds.

    Dafuq else do you expect a random French opposition member to do? Sit there quietly and look pretty? That seems to be the leading strategy for the US Dems and also an irredeemable dereliction of duty. If you are forced into the opposition, be performative. Be loud. Be ungovernable, if necessary.

    It’s nice to wish for a world where a fascist regime doesn’t have full control of the USA, but unfortunately we don’t live in that world so please don’t denigrate the work of politicians who at least are doing the bare minimum of saying something about it.

  • azertyfuntoStocks@lemmy.worldTesla = Pinto
    12 days ago

    Later studies found that pintos were not particularly more likely to explode than other cars of the same form factor from that era. Turns out, plenty of other manufacturers cut costs by placing the fuel tanks in the rear bumper. And either way there’s plenty of other things you should be more concerned about in deathtraps from that era, such as the steering column impaling you if the front of your car collides with anything, or the roof caving in if your car is ever upside-down.

    What did Ford in was the Pinto Memo. Evil corpo pro-tip: Doing clownishly evil napkin math on the relative costs of lawsuits vs a cheap fix is fine, just don’t be so dumb as to write it down where a hungry journalist might find it.

    Anyway are teslas better or worse than the pinto or comparable modern cars? Who fucking cares, if people actually cared about car safety they would all be lobbying to ban cars within cities and Tesla "F"SD would be illegal everywhere. Anyway it seems that the Swasticar branding is doing more damage to Tesla’s reputation than any amount of ludicrous safety and manufacturing issues ever did.

  • Lol at everyone in the replies inventing crazy conspiracy theories.

    As someone who has microwaved tea a bunch of times because my workplace didn’t have a kettle, let me bestow upon you the ~~~truth~~~:

    Microwaved water is slow to boil (especially compared to a 2500 W kettle for us chad 230V enjoyers), about 2:30 for one cup IIRC and the cup will be uniformly heated including the handle which is annoyingly hot to the touch (and I’m not particularly squeamish with hot things).

    Tastes the same though.

  • azertyfuntomemes@lemmy.worldFreedom software
    18 days ago

    Running Linux on closed source hardware. Classic.

    I bet you aren’t even using your own open RISC-V based SBC, with fully open-source peripherals. Is your computer monitor even running an open-source firmware or are you just a FOSS poser?

  • It’s French but has a weird legal status where the citizens are French and therefore have an EU passport and vote in EU elections, but it is not part of the EU and Schengen from what I understand.

    Anyway technicalities aside, France generally doesn’t care much for its overseas territories. Quality of living varies wildly from territory to territory and there’s still ongoing mid 20th century style colonial oppression in places like Nouvelle-Calédonie.

    So while a Falklands type situation is quite possible if anyone tries to invade an overseas French territory, it’s doubtful that France would risk actual nuclear war over one. Especially Saint Pierre and Miquelon which does not have a strategic military value as far as I can tell, unlike other territories which serve as force projection multipliers and have naval bases, especially for the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and the nuclear deterrence submarines. Without those France wouldn’t be able to operate in the Pacific theater.

  • The French nuclear umbrella being extended to other EU states is still only a suggestion (though even as just a suggestion it is a very strong political message). What that would mean for French nuclear doctrine in practice is yet unclear. Would France nuke Russian troops/infrastructure/cities and risk all-out nuclear war to protect Romania? Moldova?

    Funnily enough the entire reason why France has an independent Nuclear program at all is De Gaulle did not trust the US to risk New York being glassed in order to save Paris from a Russian invasion. Which was probably correct. Unfortunately, the reverse logic also applies and France will not risk Paris being glassed to save Toronto. The only reason why a sovereign European nuclear umbrella makes sense on paper is that an attack on any EU member state hits close enough to home as to arguably be existentially threatening, unlike a war an ocean away.

    Unless you meant France selling nukes, but that would violate every nonproliferation treaty out there and just be a complete mess that even with a sane US administration would lead to a complete diplomatic meltdown. The current suicide cult at the helm would probably actually start a nuclear war for less than that.

    • Eventually Company decides “agile will fix things”
    • Developers are told to work agile but the only stakeholder they talk to is the PO, who talks to PM, who talks to Sales, who talks to Customers
    • PM&Sales don’t want to deliver an unfinished/unpolished product so they give a review every sprint, by themselves, based on what they think the customer wants (they are Very Clever)
    • A year or two later the project is delivered and the customer is predictably unhappy.
    • Management says “how could this have happened!” and does it all over again.

  • azertyfunto196@lemmy.worldHousing Rule
    25 days ago

    And defaulting to mixed-use zoning in residential neighborhoods to lower the demand for such parking lots in front of corner stores? Right anakin? And surely you’ll be outlawing concrete slab driveways in favor of semipermeable parking surfaces? Right Anakin??

    Narrator: “flood protection” was in fact yet another transparent excuse to keep building the most soulless and uniform shit imaginable in the name of racism and classism.

  • Broadly correct. Franquin was a grassroots leftist by his peak in the '70s and even now a lot of his comics would generate a lot of “Gaston goes woke???” youtube thumbnails. His comics included a lot of overt anticapitalist & ecologist messaging in particular.

    Idées Noires (apparently reedited as “Die Laughing” in English) has his most politically charged stuff and is what happened when Franquin didn’t try to draw for mass appeal:

    A lady and a man meeting and kissing on a public bench, then turns into the man VERY gruesomely and graphically eating her and saying "Hmmm, I really have to learn to control my appetite..."

    Businessmen proudly and literally walking over a line of downtrodden people, suitcase in hand

    Depiction of awful factoring farming with a cheerful businessman

    I did however find some racist colonial stuff from his very early works (1950). I won’t like, it’s quite bad. However the 1950 stuff is ignorant & insensitive racist colonial fuckery from a then 26 year old author who later denounced it and tried to make up for it, while the 2023 stuff is very intentional dogwhistling to modern day racists from boomers who should really know better. It’s unfathomable that Dupuis would have greenlighted such backwards stuff in the modern age.