Head of Infra and Security for LoveCrafts.
Ex-Yahoo!, Ex-BBC.
Into anything #robots, #automation, #security, #osint, #infosec, #arduino, #IoT and #robots.
Also random tags: #fedi22 #Aphantasia #AnomicAphasia
#Marksman #HomeBrewer #beer #cycling #running #triathlon #fullbore #smallbore #knitting #making #crafts #hackspace #lovecrafts #uk #Hertfordshire #Stevenage #HomeAutomation #cloudformation #AWS #CyberSecurity #Humanist #CharityWorker #Community #NAFO
@[email protected] @[email protected]
Yeah. Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker.
It’s great, but strange. The owners have a very weird and dark sense of humour. It’s also very,… British eccentric, I think is the best way to describe it.
The audio tour is definitely worth it.