“Asks” is a funny word to use.
“Asks” is a funny word to use.
Its R/somethingiswrong2024
Good. Let Trump screw up another pandemic when it comes.
Then we’ll have two recorded instances of him crashing the economy
So no auto-follow for me on any three accounts.
However #Democrat on Insta returns no hashtags
American greatness? Where?!
Glad to see he’s prioritized grocery prices.
9070xt? Did they get slapped by nvidia?
Or 9800xt?
Not very impressive when you also make it longer and wider. You’re just pancaking the phones.
Were in desperate need of a small thick, emovable battery / sdcard pocket rocket.
Because attacking Norris will not affect the player’s honor, nor gain the player a wanted level, the player can hogtie Norris and drag him across the map to achieve the Rank 4 Horseman Challenge.
Oh nice, so the useful part of Google Now is coming back
Good, they deserve it.
They released among death threats and stick by their game this entire time.
I would buy it again if I could, so I just gift it to friends who get Steam Decks.
Do you know how I can find the profile that uploaded this video, for example, so I can follow? 🙏
I don’t understand how I can find or like this video.
I can’t search it in the all, the avatar isn’t clickable, and if i sign in on my browser going back to this page shows me as logged out.
Before really learning about the implications, I had used the same alias on dozens of sites. I had hoped for serendipitous interactions.
Its taken forever to track down and clean up all of those old accounts.
Please don’t “trap” me and force my attention on to you.
I literally cannot subvert my attention from what I am focused on. Please just say my name and wait a moment for me to context switch myself.
Forcing the attention takes away from what I want to focus on and what you want me to focus on (usually you).
Wow this is so me (except I keep my bag between my legs when sitting).
Everyone knew me for having my “bag full of tricks” and a laptop all the time.
What we really need is everyone to suddenly quit at once.
It needs to happen so fast there is no time to sell off the bleeding stocks
Its funny because the arc looks a bit like Louise Belcher laughing maniacally
The best thing I’ve seen in a coffee shop was a “Please no laptops” sign.
Its ridiculous how everyone just goes and works in coffee shops all day.
I understand buying a coffee, and working while you enjoy it. But once you’re done, and your work is saved gtfo.
We need more third spaces.
I read your whole saga. And you pleaded that you just wanted into these instances for health and anarchy content.
Every time it’s the same political type communities. [Remember your thread?] (https://slrpnk.net/post/15050192).
I know it’s easy to fall back into the same behavior. You’re relapsing and doing the same thing again. You have to cut all things that trigger the urge to post to politics communities if you want to be a better netizen.
Focus on the more positive communities.