The white King, heartbroken and disillusioned with his future prospects, lost in a dreary mist of drug-fuelled degeneracy, stuck in the throes of a severe midlife crisis, summons his best friend, his confidant, his ride or die BRO to cheer him up. Ke8 to e1.
I’m “unusual” in that I’m a morning person, not by choice. Once I’m awake, I’m awake. Could be 6:30AM, could be 4AM. My mind just starts racing and I know going “back to sleep” isn’t happening. These days I tend to fall asleep easily (although, not so much in the past), but there’s no going back when I wake up, so on an average night I’m nodding out before 10. I had a sleep study done, and for me it was a huge waste of money, i.e. " You don’t have sleep apnea. You don’t need tranquilizers. See ya."