Through elections
Umm, no. Elected politicians can do whatever tf they want. There’s no legal mechanism to make them fulfill the promises they made during their campaign.
That we elected
Not to mention that elected politicians aren’t controlled by the people, most of the government positions aren’t elected.
Through democracy
Democracy is when Government is owned by people. People own government through democracy. Great argument.
If I ask a friend to water my plants, do I no longer own the plants?
If you ask government to persecute people who break the law, do you no longer own people who break the law?
And according to you, socialism is necessary for further technological advances. Why? How come we managed to have technological advances without socialism for 99% of human history?
So as I said, arbitrary bs socialists deem important.
I understand that you have different gods. Catholics have Jesus and socialists have material reality. But that’s just your opinion, man.
Sorry for not accepting socialist dogmas unquestionably.