Might be better at reducing hair than just shaking the towel after drying the head, huh?
Might be better at reducing hair than just shaking the towel after drying the head, huh?
(artist not widely known to be objectional at time of publication)
It’s ruff ya
Hmm, I suppose they might have language models built into their content management system to do that for them
Edit: my bet is the experience was so ridiculously frustrating, Chrome/Google actually saw some attrition - maybe enough people made Yahoo! Mail accounts that Google noticed
meow (folks you can probably skip this one / lol)
I don’t want to know that stat butttt do you know that stat? I’m curious anyway
Join my new social network, SSNBook
Everyone is national-identity number verified through a third party overseen by PricewaterhouseCoopers, and we do regular video calls to vibe check you and try to sus out whether you’re posting your own thoughts or just renting out your account
Naturally only 40% of our “users” are bots
[ 👆 I think about this all time ] also for reviews etc.
The longer we wait to do this the easier and better it’ll be, right? ;)
It takes longer than doing it manually but I still employ speech to text on mobile 🙂
Since superwhisper uses some config (AVAudioSession?) that doesn’t interrupt media playback, it records even while the CAPTCHA speaks.
“Don’t Be Evil” happily indexing while Bingcrosoft sleeps
Good tip for Spotify folks
OK now not to preach!
A couple people have argued we can avoid consolidating more power in Spotify, who envisions a world of exclusive/proprietary podcasts, by going with other options
Yes, poor guy, something like -
YouTuber Drake reveals a complicated and ongoing health situation, starting with unexpectedly high testosterone levels, leading to numerous tests, insurance company disputes, a potential liver disease diagnosis after years of abnormal blood markers, and a temporary redirection of his focus from creating his typical YouTube videos to pursuing personal passions like storm chasing, while assuring fans of his eventual return.
Audio captcha -> open-source* speech-to-text -> cursor inserts the captcha for me, w/o an extra dedicated CAPTCHA add on some of the corresponding potential hassles
(Closed-source superwhisper + Keyboard Maestro also make this a breeze on Mac :) )
* ggerganov/ whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI’s Whisper model in C/C++
Podcast ads can be some of the most acceptable, when it’s the hosts reading about products they might’ve used / didn’t mind using.
If a quick “sub to Audible” is the difference between a Patreon paywall / content unavailable & free listening, well, make it quick pls 😉
sidebar - shoutout styropyro for some ad for a science desk where he lit the one he got free on fire. Sponsorblockers missed a fun segment there (arguably making up for it with less dubious supplement spam of course)
Edit: that might not be the exact video but it’s awesome
Fair point on the punching down.
Zombie essentially responded to this post earlier if you had thoughts there?
I see what you mean
I will say, when a company tries sometimes they can make small work really well:
There are opportunities to make small desirable. But I know people like their big trucks, I’m sure people like their big phones too.