In general, fire ant don’t bite, they sting. Not that it changes what a piece of shit the cop is, but I wish the headline was accurate to what happened.
In general, fire ant don’t bite, they sting. Not that it changes what a piece of shit the cop is, but I wish the headline was accurate to what happened.
Sure, but nowhere is the chance of winning the lottery greater than the chance of getting murdered. Even Singapore, which has the lowest homicide rate, is around 1 in 1,000,000.
I suppose if you classified getting a playback prize on a scratch off as a lottery win, but I doubt most people count that.
I agree that people shouldn’t be afraid of this stuff, but I think you underestimate the odds of winning the lottery and your chances of being murdered.
Around 32,000 homicides/year in the US. 333,000,000 people, so about 1 in 100,000.
Powerball odds are 1 in 292,000,000.
Quake III Arena also had a native Linux version.
And Quake, Quake 2, Descent, UT, Tribes 2.
Give Canada some respect, DR Congo didn’t even exist until after WWII.
White Americans, what? Nothing better to do.
Why don’t you kick yourself out? You’re an immigrant too.
And there’s a Brooklyn Park in Maryland, Minnesota, Oregon, and South Australia.
And that’s why self checkout is no more at the closest grocery store to me.
Cellophane, foil, and/or paper.
It doesn’t make sense to you that different hair types might have different likelihood of ingrown hairs?
My ADHD was/is pretty bad, but I learned to type just fine. Even learned on a manual typewriter.
Also lost a 10 page paper in high school because the computer crashed. Rewrote the paper during lunch and study hour because I had to turn it in that day. Learned to save frequently from that experience. Conveniently, deadlines help with ADHD concentration. It’s one of the reasons ADHD people procrastinate. Once the pressure of the deadline gets bad enough we are usually able to focus on the task at hand.
The iPod was so derivative of the creative labs mp3 player that Apple ultimately had to pay them $100 million.
The Lisa and later the Macintosh copied from xerox. Something that everyone was doing around then. Amiga and Atari ST both had guis. Hell even the commodore 64 had Geos. The Mac didn’t even get color until 1987.
Handspring had a smart phone, complete with touch screen and apps, years before the iPhone.
Mac os didn’t have proper multitasking until version 7.5, years after Windows had it.
Onkyo created the first true wireless earbuds.
If only there was a breed of dog that we could use to control the wolf population. Maybe something in the hound category, native to the country in need. Some sort of Russian wolf hound.
Doesn’t Australia include the tax in the listed price of the item instead of adding it at the end?
Get yourself a blade bank and put your used blades in it. They are a cheap and safe way to dispose of your razor blades.
Building a plane one day at a time.
All that was over 60 years ago. Double your original Few Decades comment. North Dakota has been conservative for quite some time now.
Although in 1920 the age of consent was 18 in both North Dakota and Minnesota, or we could go back to 1880 when the age of consent was 10 (so wrong) in both North Dakota and Minnesota. /jk
I’m going to have to press (x) to doubt. They have voted republican in every election since 1964. The only time the Republican candidate has gotten less than 50% of the vote during those years was when Ross Perot was splitting the Republican vote.
Maybe if you’re going back past when the parties switched ideologies.
Fargo can be progressive, I know many of the bars there have historically been pretty LGBTQ friendly, but the rest of NoDak hasn’t as been progressive.
Lori Maddox says that she lost her virginity to Bowie when she was 15, but she has also said she was in a relationship with Jimmy Page starting when she was 13/14, and that she lost her virginity to Page, which if true would mean she didn’t lose her virginity to Bowie.
Then you have to look at her changing story about the Bowie incident. She’s said it happened in 1972, but then she also has said he propositioned her in 1972, but they didn’t have sex until 1973, when she said she had dinner with Bowie and they were joined by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, but Bowie didn’t meet John Lennon until 1974. Then she said they went back to his suite at the Hilton and had sex, but Bowie was staying at the Hyatt during his 1973 tour.
Another version she’s told is that she and Sable Starr went to the Beverly Hilton and found out what room Bowie was in and snuck in. There they convinced a tired Bowie to have sex with Maddox for 3-4 hours, then had a threesome with Maddox and Sable, who then snuck out. But in another telling of the story she has said that Bowie’s wife Angie walked in on them the next morning.
She also has issues with her story about sleeping with Mick Jagger, where she claims to have attended a 1975 recording session with John, Paul, Ringo, and Mick Jagger, and then had sex with Jagger immediately afterwards. The main issue is that the only Lennon McCartney jam session after the Beatles broke up happened in 1974, and Mick Jagger wasn’t at it.
None of this is to say she didn’t lose her virginity to Bowie when she was 14-15, but there are lots of photos of her and Jimmy Page from 1972-75 but none with her and Bowie.
It was a long time ago, and memory is unreliable, which could explain the inconsistencies in her different telling of the events, and I would not be surprised in both Bowie and Jagger had sex with underage people, but Lori Maddox’s stories aren’t the best evidence to hang them with.