came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]

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Attention Kmart Shoppers…
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2020


  • brokerage go up and down. meanwhile, HYSAs are around 5% and if the deposit is big enough, there are CDs even with near zero penalty for early withdrawal. it’s not recommended to keep an emergency fund in any vehicle which can go down, because usually line go down comes with widespread job loss,.like in '07

    the point of the fund at that level isn’t replacing an unreliable car. those people drive nice cars with warranties and insurance. for someone pulling down $150k, needing a new car is barely a problem. the fund is for actual cataatrophe. generally, it’s for losing a job and being able to float for 90+ days, stay current on all loans, and keep the family on COBRA and the same network while they decide how to shift benefits around and be somewhat selective about the next job, instead of having to take whatever comes.

  • kinda blows my mind that the highest quartile doesn’t keep more liquid cash, especially with as high as interest rates are.

    the PF recommend is 3-6 months of income in a quickly accessible emergency fund. and that doesn’t include like savings for goals (weddings, vacations, etc) or housing projects or whatever, which sure as shit rich people do.

    admittedly, when I do talk to high income people about finances and stuff, I often get the impression they play it real loose, don’t really have savings strategies, carry CC balances and do dumb shit like tap HELOCs for non-emergency shit. but I just thought that was because most of the high income people I know are fools, not that they were a representative sample.

  • couplehood is the modern religion and by that awesomely glib take i mean: there is tremendous socialization to find purpose and meaning (and absolution) in “the special someone”, which has only seemed to heighten in the parts of society that want to stay on program while our institutions fail and the climate crisis looms. all that to say, i understand the desperation especially among the young. so much mass culture (TV, movies, music) tells them that the only thing they will ever do that matters is find someone who completes them (because of course they’re incomplete as they are!)… it’s a very efficient way to get everyone (single and not) out there consuming.

    but of course, i agree completely with you, especially as i’ve gotten older. i value my friends and treasure making new ones in whatever context or however long it works out. i would rather have a new limited scope work friend to joke around with than a new ex- from a fraught relationship where at least one of us was not paying attention to the warnings of a bad match.

  • was just joking around with a sibling about how some of the most intensely “being highly intelligent is my identity” people from high school with supportive families grew up to be dumb as hell.

    the gifted valedictorian became a nurse, then went full “iraq had WMDs, but it was classified” chud, quit the workforce to have 4 children, is a god-tier horder with rooms full of actual garbage, and now is entangled in several MLMs shoveling a spouse’s very high income into a blackhole.

    the “actually, i have a 160 IQ” inherited a bunch of $$, bought a bunch of vehicles, had 5 kids, went full blown “dance mom” facebook+social media freakshow, and spends most of their effort trying to cultivate inappropriate relationships and fabricate dramas with other married spouses in their neighborhood.

    excellence and success are subjective. a life of curiosity, personal enrichment, family, and friends can be excellent without needing accolades or other features of careerist striving. but i’ll be damned if some really “smart” people don’t take their potential and, in defiance of the odds, turn it into a shit smoothie.