A great deal of people don’t view society as theirs. When someone stands outside the system, what is there to lose or care about? Personally, I believe i see your larger point, but many people don’t consider the social and responsibility this way.
sociology, mandolin, object-oriented ontology, running, ecocentrism
A great deal of people don’t view society as theirs. When someone stands outside the system, what is there to lose or care about? Personally, I believe i see your larger point, but many people don’t consider the social and responsibility this way.
When considering the golden rule, it can help to recall many ‘others’ would prefer folks not ‘do unto them’ in the same way… or, frankly, at all.
Villages now available from Amazon, financed through affirm, for low, monthly prices!
So… they sell, lease, etc either your data or some value added bullshit services or products based on your data for a higher price due to monopoly?
Thanks for reminding me to prioritize the capacity for dignified exit from the game.
So many interesting people and conversations have happened from hosting couch surfers over the years for me.
I play mandolin, which I think is niche? This summer I’ve been learning ableton live with the goal of combining edm influences and small, odd instruments.
“Discovering”… this land is your land, this land is my land 🎵
Hurray for new normals!
Trying to define this or answer this question is an exercise in futility.
If you feel comfortable calling yourself a guitarist, poof-- you are one, regardless of what anyone else says. I wish I’d deeply bought into this decades sooner. Comparisons are odious. Rock on.
pm’d you a short clip! :)
Love this one. Reminds me of the quote “never stop looking for what’s not there.”
How can you possibly combine capitalism & government mandates, and not see corruption emerge?
It’s almost as if decades of identity politics fed to the uneducated masses is super effective.
Maybe younger folks aren’t looking for a new digital home/platform? Insta, tiktok, and yt as well as maybe generally caring less about their relationships with large corporations and privacy?
Sending you a pm w/ a couple of links if you’re still interested!
For real! My porch garden is already a jungle and I need to build some kind of A-frame support.
Exercises, scales, rhythm, timing, practice, et al can definitely be holding you back. It might help to view those “building blocks” as aspects you can work on that limit your playing less. For me, practicing these things allows me to think LESS about scales, timing, etc by increasing my muscle memory and confidence, which allows me to focus on the music itself and get lost therein when I’m playing.
To use some ambiguous terms, you can hit every note “right”, but that’s a very small part of what make music “good”-- that’s more about hips moving and heads bobbing.
So cool and love the color! While I can’t remember the model now, I had a fly back in the early 00’s and frequently miss it sorely. People seemed to view them as “weird”, but the one’s I recall played like butter and were quite versatile. IIRC, the builder has moved on to archtops now that still use the head stock design and have a crazy price tag now.
What kind of music do you make on it?
Awesome, thanks! Just joined.