Yeah I’m confused if this is all on some Ubuntu server open to the internet or what. I just vpn into my home when I’m gone, keep it simple
Yeah I’m confused if this is all on some Ubuntu server open to the internet or what. I just vpn into my home when I’m gone, keep it simple
Splunk is definitely a lot at first. Not the most intuitive setup but cool how much flexibility you get.
Idk why but every single iris xe laptop I’ve had and tried to do any somewhat stressful gaming and it throttles alllllll over the place. Recently got a laptop with a 6800u and 680m and that thing works great. Tried the new yakuza, cod 3, halo infinite, and they all were able to get around 60fps at lower settings and didn’t seem to throttle at all.
Technically you can get a web browser version of vision but I’ve used lucidchart and before and they’re good. Lucid has good Visio compatibility, draw not so much
This is the way. As cool as enterprise servers are it’s nice to have a setup where my servers are 1/10th the size, and power consumption, as well as have more compute.
Rocket league been playing for like 5 years with friends. Just so easy to get on and play a quick game, very few toxic people, always fun.
Otherwise any katamari game