@[email protected] I use a plethora of browsers.
I’m migrating fron Firefox to LibreWolf (sorry, I prefer non-chrome based browsers), but have a Ungoogled Chromium as a backup those times Firefox/LibreWolf doesn’t cut it (I thought the world had learnt a lesson from the IE days; seems we need to educate a new generation web hipsters).
On Android I use the default browser (in @[email protected]) for a few news/blog sites, Mull and Vivaldi for some other sites and DuckDuckGo when searching. Default browser is Mull with Privacy Mode enabled by default.
I honestly don’t like that the Chrome based browsers seems to be dominating these days. We need a heterogeneous web render environment to ensure a single dominant player dictates how things will be for users.
And without such competition, I fear there will be a lesser drive to further improve browsers. Just like when Netscape seemed too complacent with their own browsers back in the days.
@[email protected] @[email protected]
in the beginning of this year, I’d say DDG … but nowadays, I’m less convinced of it. It feels like I’m ending up in just another search bubble again.
I’m been testing out Qwant a little bit. But not convinced yet.
Yahoo, Google and Startpage is out of the question for me. I don’t trust either of them in regards to privacy. I would like to add Bing to this not-wanted list, but that implicitly impacts DDG.