It probably boils down to what costs the most, making a universal model for everywhere, or making a European model and a separate “screw you” model for the rest of the world.
It probably boils down to what costs the most, making a universal model for everywhere, or making a European model and a separate “screw you” model for the rest of the world.
Det funker selv om det står pending, og pending forsvinner som regel etter et par dager. Såvidt jeg vet skjer det når serveren er overbelastet og ikke bekrefter federeringen med en gang. Men som sagt, har ikke opplevd at det faktisk påvirker selve federeringen.
Cool shot
Got my first phone in 1997, and I have yet to experience a charger needing to be replaced.
Må si jeg er glad for at jeg valgte (dog opprettet også en konto på men har ikke brukt den). Vil heller leve med litt trolling og slikt enn å være i et ekkokammer/“safe space”. Viktig å får utfordret mine syn på ting og tang i ny og ned.
That would be up to the admin of each individual instance owner how to handle that on their instance.
Combine that with the fact that most experienced admins can work a lot faster in a CLI compared to GUI, and the fact that a CLI allows you to replicate previous actions with no effort.
The post lagging seems to be front end only. So far I’ve had no issue simply refreshing the page when it hangs.
Her er forøvrig hele pressemeldingen fra Oslo kommune:ært-forbud-mot-bruk-av-ild-i-oslo-kommune
Sier sitt om alvorlighetsgraden at de også forbyr primus. Kan ikke huske at det har skjedd før i Oslo.
On the PS5 I got a crash about 10 minutes into the expedition and got rather worried, but I’ve only had one single crash after that.
Good to know. I’m always and forever missing small stuff like this.
Good to know. Lot of random stuff like this in the game that completely passes me by.
The upvote jumping is caused by issues with the websocket implementation. As far as I heard they are going to get rid of websockets completely in the next version and have static page rendering instead.
Same thing happened to me earlier today. It popped up about 10 times while I was writing a comment.
It’s a lowercase l followed by a lowercase w as far as I can tell.
Getting rid of websockets would help a lot. But you still might not be able to have standalone nodes. You might still need a cluster of nodes with a master and slaves due to the federated nature of lemmy. Such that only one node at a time can handles federation events with other servers. I don’t know enough about the protocol to know if that is the case or not. Just as an example I’m thinking of situations where one node gets a federation event for example for a post, then a different node gets a federation event with some sort of change to that post, and handles it faster than the first node. That event would then fail because the post hasn’t been created yet.
Yeah. I’m in the same boat. My SQL skills aren’t impressive either since there are other people at work that handle optimization. Haven’t used rust either (yet) so cannot really contribute there either. Though I’m considering potentially starting work on a cross platform mobile app. I haven’t worked with mobile apps for a good six or seven years, so I feel like it’s high time I get back up to speed. (But knowing me, I’ll end up making something half finished and the start procrastinating)
Yeah. But horizontal scaling (well horizontal scaling in a system like this where you need clustering so the instances talk to each other) is hard. And I think there are a lot of other things that need to be polished, added and worked on before that. It would probably also need somebody with knowledge of clustering to start contributing. I think step 1 needs to be that the dev team needs more help properly tuning the database use. The database is very inefficient, and they lack the skill to improve it:
We are in desperate need of SQL experts, as my SQL skills are very mediocre.
So getting help improving the database is probably the #1 thing that can be done to deal with the scaling problem.
Thing is, lemmy doesn’t support clustering/horizontal scaling. So there are limits to how much increasing you can do. You can beef up with a database cluster, add a separate reverse proxy, and increase the specs of the hardware lemmy is running on (but hardware can’t be expanded limitless), but that’s about it. Once you hit the limit of what a single instance of the lemmy software can handle, you cannot scale anymore. Pretty sure you will hit the limit long before you reach thousands of dollars.
I mean. I’m not talking about the actual cost of making the device but rather the total cost. Ie the cost to their bottom line.
The cheapest would probably be to make a single device with a replaceable battery, and weld the battery in place outside of Europe, but that would probably be so blatant that they would get in trouble.