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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I had a couple, complete with the belt clip, which attracted derision from friends, but was unequalled in its convenience. Fantastic devices. I remember being amazed that I could ssh from a mobile device (and go on IRC!) and recall the agonizing wait for OTAs to roll out. Knowing a number of developers at Danger didn’t help me get them any faster! I still have them in my museum of old mobile phones.

  • I’ve also had surprising success extracting data from old floppy disks. I went through a box of 50 or so 3.5" disks a year or two ago, some of which were 25+ years old, and about 80% of them were either readable directly, or fully/mostly recoverable using GNU ddrescue. Something like a Greaseweazle would likely read even more. Always worth a try!