Fuck work
Fuck work
Thinking there is going to be a real election in 2028 is the most optimistic thing I’ve heard in a while.
Haha, that’s what you get.
What an asshole.
The worms have won. Pretty soon we will all have worms injected into our head.
To bad there is nothing we can do. We call our reps and they say “we agree, but there is nothing we can do”. The Republicans definitely won’t do anything so until midterms we are basically stuck.
Linux is not really that hard to get used to. Welcome to the club the water is fine.
Osmand+ still gulf of mexico… Just sayin.
I will believe it when I see it this is likely just talk.
Just gotta love these big tech companies and their bullshit double standards.
I hate to say it but I don’t think we are making out if this one. I think even if he can’t pull off running a third term we will pretty well screwed by the next election anyway.
Please do it. This would be hilarious
Osmand+ still safe
There is a whole government beurocracy that needs to be put in motion to have an election. Including election boards that are controlled by state governments. So all they basically have to do is the blue states just say no we are not having an election and then it doesn’t happen.
There is no way an amendment to the constitution on this would ever happen. Thebatr is very high to clear.
Wait is this extension not available on iOS? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/video-background-play-fix/
Okay seriously this technology still baffles me. Like its cool but why invest so much in an unknown like AIs future ? We could invest in people and education and end up with really smart people. For the cost of an education we could end up with smart people who contribute to the economy and society. Instead we are dumping billions into this shit.
Man I’ve had a brother printer so long because of their Linux support this is so annoying