
  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ah yes, I can see the clear line from “every business does not lend itself to direct democracy” to racism and dehumanization. Though I do appreciate a good ad hominem from time to time.

    That whole response rant is crass, alarmist, and most of all specious. Luckily you made my point for me: people (or worker) can simultaneously have value, as you surely do as a person, but have not a fucking clue what they are talking about in some areas. In those areas, asking for your opinion is… well, a clear and obvious mistake.

    Have a great time with all those you hold dear and good luck with any directly democratic companies you start. 👍

  • Reducto ad absurdum for making the clearer version of a point.

    Regardless, a full coterie of 40 hour workers STILL may not be full of votes of equal quality for every topic. Representative democracy? Sure why not. Welcome to the concept of a board of directors. Picking general leadership for businesses at scale? Sure why not. General decision making and steering by direct democracy? No thanks.

    It makes no sense to equally weight the opinion of your IT team and your marketing department on the next product to launch or who the target audience should be. And I can make as many of that style example as you like without devaluing in any way what it means to be a worker.

  • Yeah I just don’t agree with you.

    There is certainly a broad set of circumstances where businesses can share ownership between employees, but that does not mean there are not other circumstances where work is done purely in exchange for money, benefits, or both.

    If you and 4 friends want to start a pizza shop, cool do it democratically. If I do a business selling a product all myself and every other Sunday I pay someone to come lick my stamps for an hour so I can spend time with my kids, that person is not an equal partner.

    Edit: to be extra clear, democracy is based on the concept that people are all functionally equals in capability, information, and perspective. Basically that countrymen are homogenous. Inside a specialized enterprise of any kind (especially small ones) this need not be true.

    Edit 2: or if that’s insufficient and all businesses must be democratic, then I necessarily must be allowed to hire based on whatever criteria I so choose. Work ethic, want to keep the company aligned with my interests, religion, ability, height, anything. That’s the only way to guarantee a homogeneous pool and may also be the democratic will of the group of people who begin the business.

  • Seems to me like kind of a long pivot from

    Every single bit of progress was led by people doing more, by people standing up, by people applying pressure between election days.

    Why not just DO that?

    I don’t disagree that the shift in the Overton window is alarmingly far gone, that Dems are out of touch, or that the country is failing in real time. I disagree with the supercilious presentation of “political (in)action” by the people who ought to be easiest to motivate to go raise some hell.

    Instead of punching all the way right, you’re doing a big sad to your adjacent right in a huge lefty echo chamber. By letting perfect be the enemy of less worse we are only left with worse, and you still gotta live in it with us.

  • Then go do something, man.

    Sitting around and doing a “noble” nothing is not standing up or doing more. It’s doing EVEN LESS than voting. There is an absolutely real possibility that if everybody stays home it doesn’t shift D left, it just results in nothing besides Republican control.

    In that case though you wouldn’t have to worry about voting for palestinian genocide, because it would be over and done with. You could be not voting for climate denial or not voting for something else, posting on Lemmy about how righteous you are, and bottling your own farts to sniff later.

    I’m walking, stumping, and repping local elections and voting as far left as I can everywhere else. There is no far far left activity/activism you’re touting anywhere to be seen. What value do you add?