The last time dating apps worked was before 2010. Why are we apparently only noticing this issue now?
The last time dating apps worked was before 2010. Why are we apparently only noticing this issue now?
I think at this point actual human interaction is probably more positive than dating apps. Which is a pretty sorry state of affairs and I’m not keen on it. I don’t want to meet people I want algorithms to do it for me, we’re supposed to live in the future damn it.
Why does it get its mapping data from? Because we don’t want an Apple map situation when they reckon the Eiffel tower is in the middle of the North sea.
No that’s the point it would not be in defiance of the government because the government don’t have the authority to tell private companies or individuals what bits of water should be called. All president has the authority to do is dictate what federal agencies call it.
The whole reason that everyone thinks this is a massive waste of time is precisely because he doesn’t actually have the authority to force anybody to do anything. 20 years from now I highly doubt anyone is still going to be calling it the Gulf Of America, it’s just a PR stunt to keep his supporters happy.
Because otherwise you’re spending more energy converting water into a hydrogen then you get back from turning hydrogen into water.
You still do with Fusion power but at that point you have so much energy it doesn’t matter how inefficient it is. Seriously even using nuclear power it doesn’t work out as economically viable. It’s really a wasteful and inefficient process.
Range anxiety is not an illegitimate concern though. Sure I probably don’t need that capacity more than maybe once every year but what about when I do need it?
How am I supposed to be able to drive halfway across the country to see my family every Christmas if my car only has 150 miles of range and it takes 4 hours to fully recharge. That’s going to turn a 3-hour road trip into 10 hours if we have to stop and wait for it to recharge. My problem with the leaf was that it had hardly any range at all so that problem was massively exacerbated.
It’s great in a multi-car household where the other car is something with a bit more range but as you’re only vehicle you better hope that no family emergency crop up.
To be clear I would have the same issues with an ICE only had 150 miles of range but in some ways that would be better because it “recharges” faster.
I think my largest gripe with it is it can’t actually do anything. It can just tell you about stuff.
I can ask it how to change the desktop background on my computer and it will 100% be able to tell me, but if you then prompt it to change the background itself it won’t be able to. It has zero ability to interact with the computer, this is even the case with AI run locally.
It can’t move the mouse around it can’t send keyboard commands.
That way though you would have to haul around the electrolyzing equipment with you which seems redundant and it’s pretty heavy. I’m not sure that would necessarily work.
Also in that scenario you would have to keep the water on board so that you could electrolyze it again. That adds even more weight. A molecule of water weighs 18 times more than a single hydrogen atom so every single time you run this process your vehicle suddenly gets massively heavier.
Could you tell me what you use it for because I legitimately don’t understand what I’m supposed to find helpful about the thing.
We all got sent an email at work a couple of weeks back telling everyone that they want ideas for a meeting next month about how we can incorporate AI into the business. I’m heading IT, so I’m supposed to be able to come up with some kind of answer and yet I have nothing. Even putting aside the fact that it probably doesn’t work as advertised, I still can’t really think of a use for it.
The main problem is it won’t be able to operate our ancient and convoluted ticketing system, so it can’t actually help.
Everyone I’ve ever spoken to has said that they use it for DMing or story prompts. All very nice but not really useful.
It’s not like they’re flat earthers they are not conspiracy theorists. They have been told by the media, businesses, and every goddamn YouTuber that AI is the future.
I don’t think they are idiots I just think they are being lied to and are a bit gullible. But it’s not worth having the argument with them, AI is going to fail on its own it doesn’t matter what they think.
I can’t stand the corporate double think.
Despite the mountains of evidence that AI is not capable of something even basic as reading an article and telling you what is about it’s still apparently going to replace humans. How do they come to that conclusion?
The world won’t be destroyed by AI, It will be destroyed by idiot venture capitalist types who reckon that AI is the next big thing. Fire everyone, replace it all with AI; then nothing will work and nobody will be able to buy anything because nobody has a job.
Que global economic collapse.
And Honda was working on hydrogen nearly 30 years ago now
Unless they have a fusion reactor they’re not telling us about, so that they can electrolyze water hydrogen is never going to be a viable power source. Currently all hydrogen is acquired through fracking, which makes the entire exercise somewhat pointless.
The leaf was an objectively terrible Eevee that probably set the industry back a few years.
Autocorrect changed it to Eevee and I think it works.
That has to be the coldest hot take I’ve ever heard.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is true though. Bethesda games are not exactly winning awards for coding elegance.
I thought that enums were supposed to compile down to aa, ab, ac when you actually build the game.
If only we could redirect that asteroid to land more usefully on the United States, the rest of the world would be fine.
It would be a short war anyway. We already know where Earth is.
Well it’s a computer program so of course it can clone itself (this isn’t a surprise). Computer viruses have been doing that for decades.
But for an AI to be able to clone itself in a way that it would be useful not only does it need to be connected to the internet but it would have to be some hardware capable of running the AI waiting for it. I can’t really see how that could happen accidentally.
I’m prepared to use Windows 11 if it’ll get me laid.