C++ Software Engineer Big interest in OpenSource communities for years now. 20+ years linux user. But a newbies in fediverse, had heard about it before but needed the help of twitter (for mastodon) and reddit changes to give a real try. Also a fan of Stephen King books. Was [email protected]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Ces livreurs payés à la livraison c’est pénible au possible… Vu qu’ils sont rémunérés au nombre de colis, ils sont près à n’importe quoi sur la route et en matière d’arrêt afin de maximiser le nombre de colis qu’ils livrent… Il y’a quelques jours, la femme d’un collègue s’est fait renverser par la camionnette d’un livreur qui n’avait rien trouvé de mieux que de faire marche arrière sur des centaines de mètre, histoire d’éviter de faire demi-tour et ainsi gagner quelques minutes…

  • Just finished Death’s End, by Cixin Liu which is the last volume of Remembrance of Earth’s past trilogy (better known from the title of the first book The three body problem). I enjoyed very much the 3 novels, great Sci-fi and I also learned many things about Chinese culture through translator notes. (note: I’ve not seen the Netflix show before reading it, because I hate watching movies about novels I have not read, it block too much the mental image I do reading the book, therefore limiting the amazement of reading).

    Next, I decided not to read the fan fiction sequel but rather what is presented as a prequel: Ball Lightning, by Cixin Liu.

  • As of now, I backup stuff (mainly pictures) from my phone to a linux file server using rsync in termux (launched through the tasker plugin and automate). I search a replacement to get rid of the automate application that I need only for that, is not Foss and require to run in background in order to use it. Do you think Syncthing can deserve my use case ? Of course I can RTFM but…