Eh never heard that as a definition.
Eh never heard that as a definition.
They were toxic and obnoxious.
Let’s hope you’re right
No problem! Hopefully, it’s a bit of an eye test for me right now :)
Cool thanks - awesome app, thanks for your work on it!
We really need to start referring to them as regressives.
Great update - love the comment jump button!!! I’m sure it’s planned, but looking forward to being able to move it to other locations like Apollo (middle right, middle left, bottom left, etc.).
They should disable signups for a while to allow the user load to start distributing more evenly across other instances.
My place fired some guy when they found out he didn’t attend the college he claimed to have a degree from. Not sure why it took almost a month post-hire to figure it out, and wasn’t discovered during the initial background check.
Fair enough. I’m in PC and only using two vaults.
What problems are you having? Been pretty flawless for me.
Jeez ur quick! Nice, thanks for the great app :)
After opening an image and then double tapping it, the image zooms down to the bottom of the screen and also is overlaying the feed. This may be expected behavior?
Also when pinching out to zoom it doesn’t seem to center on where I’m pinching.
I know the song and the video. Had no idea that guy was MF Doom. Thx for sharing!