I build Flutter apps & packages, Neovim plugins, and a bunch of other stuff. I love good software, and I love the internet.

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🇦🇲 Based in Yerevan, Armenia

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Since there are too many examples on the freezed README and the one at the top isn’t a good use case to begin with (I like to keep my data models (DTOs) separate from entities, and DTOs are good enough with plain json_serializable), I’ll provide an example from one of the projects I’m currently working on. It is still more verbose than it would usually be with freezed, however, I’m pretty fine with that. Also, it’s worth noting that whenever I need a copyWith, I still use codegen with copy_with_extension. It has a nicer copyWith API and only handles that instead of a bunch of other stuff I don’t necessarily need.

    part of 'simply_browser_bloc.dart';
    sealed class SimplyBrowserState with EquatableMixin {
      const SimplyBrowserState();
    class SimplyBrowserInitial extends SimplyBrowserState {
      const SimplyBrowserInitial();
      List<Object?> get props => const [];
    class SimplyBrowserLoading extends SimplyBrowserState {
      const SimplyBrowserLoading({this.loadedSimplies});
      final List<Simply>? loadedSimplies;
      List<Object?> get props => const [];
    class SimplyBrowserFailed extends SimplyBrowserState {
      const SimplyBrowserFailed(this.failure);
      final ApiFailure failure;
      List<Object?> get props => [failure];
    class SimplyBrowserLoaded extends SimplyBrowserState {
      const SimplyBrowserLoaded({
        required this.canLoadMore,
        required this.simplies,
      final bool canLoadMore;
      final List<Simply> simplies;
      List<Object?> get props => [simplies];

    And then using the sealed class itself becomes super-nice, like the following snippet (only wrapped in a function to state clearly where the variable is coming from):

      List<Simply>? getSimplies(SimplyBrowserState state) {
        return switch (state) {
          SimplyBrowserLoading(:final loadedSimplies) => loadedSimplies,
          SimplyBrowserLoaded(:final simplies) => simplies,
          _ => null,

  • I’ve been using makefiles for a while and find them pretty good. The only downside is adding any arguments to recipes (passed when executing them) is tricky. On the other hand, there was only one scenario where that could be useful (release-staging from below), but I managed to get what I wanted without arguments. I like makefiles for portability and automatic shell completion for fish.

    Here’s a Makefile from one of the projects I’m working on to give a better idea of my usage:

    QA_TARGET := "lib/main_qa.dart"
    PROD_TARGET := "lib/main_prod.dart"
    	flutter pub get
    	dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
    	dart run intl_utils:generate
    	flutter build apk --target $(QA_TARGET)
    	flutter build appbundle --target $(PROD_TARGET)
    	flutter build ipa --target $(QA_TARGET)
    	flutter build ipa --target $(PROD_TARGET)
    	dart run flutter_launcher_icons
    	$(eval DIFF := $(shell git diff -- pubspec.yaml | grep '^+version'))
    	@if [ -z "$(DIFF)" ]; then \
    		echo "Error: No changes in version. Aborting."; \
    		exit 1; \
    	@OTHER_DIFF=$$(git diff -- './*' ':!pubspec.yaml'); \
    	if [ -n "$$OTHER_DIFF" ]; then \
    		echo "Error: Changes found outside of pubspec.yaml. Aborting."; \
    		exit 1; \
    	$(eval VERSION := $(shell awk '/^version: / {print $$2}' pubspec.yaml))
    	$(eval LAST_RELEASE_HASH := $(shell git log --pretty=format:'%H %s' | grep 'chore(build): Bump build number to' | awk 'NR==1{print $$1}'))
    	$(eval CHANGES := $(shell git log --pretty=format:'\n- %s' $(LAST_RELEASE_HASH)...HEAD))
    	@echo "chore(build): Bump build number to $(VERSION)\n\nChanges:$(CHANGES)" > commit_msg.txt
    	@echo "Releasing version $(VERSION) to STAGING"
    	git add pubspec.yaml
    	git commit -F commit_msg.txt
    	rm commit_msg.txt
    	git tag v$(VERSION)
    	git push
    	git push --tags