Practice makes perfect, but this better viewed as steps to cutting them out of our lives and not just nudging them to stop supporting facism, destroying workers and our planet.
The need us. We don’t need them.
Practice makes perfect, but this better viewed as steps to cutting them out of our lives and not just nudging them to stop supporting facism, destroying workers and our planet.
The need us. We don’t need them.
I’m a fan of them, but it’s much meaningful of the small scale in my experience. My local community coop grocery for example brings in stuff that is basically custom for us.
REI feels a little too big so far for me to have that voice but stuff like this is probably when it works.
I really liked living in an apartment. Simple living is pretty nice tbh.
I would never go back to renting. I’ll riot first lol.
Honestly even my best landlords sucked vs just being able to fix it myself.
That’s where digital twin engineering HOPES to bridge the gap.
There is definitely a contium of how long it takes to build and test changes where increasly abstract design makes more and more sense vs the send it model
Honestly. The biggest dilemma browsers seem to have isn’t just funding but how to maintain they’re absolutely massive code bases.
Either we really do a very large and robust org like the Linux kernel group, or we need to find a way to massive reduce the complexity of the browser.
Servo is exciting and ladybird too. Maybe their fresher starts can bring in the opportunity to do that.
That’s fair
I see it as good practice and normalizing not shopping at those places
It seems like Russia and China are gaining in geopolitical influence as the US recedes.
Winning isn’t what I’d call that
Honestly I was excited about o3de and still follow it from time to time, but the project feels so industrial versus Godots work
Listen, I’m highly critical of the CCP, but LLMs aren’t facts machines, they are make text like what they are trained on machines.
They have no grasp of truth, and we can only get some sense of truth of what the average collective text response of its dataset (at best!).
It’s really an extension of “Would some really do that? Just lie on the Internet?” But now “Would AI, which is built to create content like what people post on the Internet, really just lie?”
For facist exceptions are the point. If you can curry favor you can get exceptions.
“You got to go and join the union. No one else can do it for you.”
For facist expectations are the point
Is there are particular GreenPak device hobbiest can use? They look interesting personally
Honestly the micro inverter on a small circuit level seems like an interesting middle to me. So I can have the ac outlets here and there, but just for non DC appliances.
Honestly sounds great! Look forward to the results. I do think Linux compile times matters personally, and the time save on development because the compiler is doing checks as well isn’t a perfect one to one for this project, because people like myself compile the kernel way more than we dev for kernel. Adding and removing stuff to trim it down for various platforms.
During your compiling it would be interesting if you can find some rust flags that might disable checks to speed things up. Maybe there is a conf that skips the things downstream users can assume the actual devs ran?
Reducing the money spent on DC-AC conversion is my main thoughts. If my power generated is all DC, my battery storage is all DC, my servers are DC, my lights, and water pumps can be DC, my car is DC, then switching from AC to just switch back to DC 20-40 feet just doesn’t make sense to me.
I would like to actually find a better formula then the napkin math I’ve done to say when it does and doesn’t have benefit.
Really want to get my hands on a Open compute Rack for my next server build and have the UPS and power rail be all 48v too (as per spec). Again why have another component to possibly fail and use power if I don’t need it.
Baked in would be nicer. It would kind of cool for any landing page just kind of working to get you into the threadiverse. If I keep going to nomoreuserlemmy.org (or whatever fake one you want) it just redirects on the backend for me when I log in to an instance that actually works for me.
I do love how it feels very much like a parody but turns into an honestly straight up good story on its own