More succinctly: when training is hard, the mission is easy.
More succinctly: when training is hard, the mission is easy.
But don’t cross the streams
We live in a society
That’d take a constitutional amendment, and I doubt that such a thing would succeed, particularly considering the average age of legislators is “old as fuck”
Fascism certainly does make for truly strange bedfellows
Ugh. I guess it’s starting. Anyone placing bets on how long before Trump does a complete about-face on the situation and starts running joint missions with Russia against Ukraine? I’m morbidly suspicious that might really be how things end up.
Get out of my head Charles
They’re gonna try to nuke Griswold and Eisenstadt.
Oh shit
Ok maybe someone did something fucky, and then it got caught or pushed back or something. Who knows.
I mean I don’t think showing votes on posts and comments is inherently bad… but aggregating them to a user across instances seems not only technically challenging from a protocol sense (given that (de)federation and blacklisting is entirely in the control of the server admin), but also a feature that should be intentionally omitted. It’s genuinely not a useful metric in terms of building communities, which I think the lemmy stack should (and does) consider to be an essentially overriding priority.
This might hurt your bones a bit:
33% up from the last time they paid him to visit KSA first, in case anyone is curious
So, this whole dynamic is very simple: If you’re defending a Nazi, you’re a Nazi.
Yeah, tried to sign up earlier this morning, and account creation and linkage seems to be rather fucky currently
If you’re red/green colorblind:
I’m more and more convinced by the day that this isn’t going to end without at least some level of political violence
So you’re saying she did Nazi it coming?
I mean, it’s Forbes. It’s essentially one of the primary mouthpieces of this new-age Business Plot we’re living through. I’m unsurprised they’re sanewashing this.
And then there was the time where they accidentally told the entire state of Hawaii “lol sorry guys ICBMs incoming you’re gonna be nuked hold on to your butts” and then didn’t do ANYTHING about it for 30 or so minutes