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Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • I liked the first episode of Collision. I knew we were in for something special when an Elton John song opened up the show. The matches felt less about “get your high spots in” and more about letting the matches breathe.

    Wardlow losing was really unexpected. Matthews/Andrade was amazing. Happy to see Miro back. Soho/Storm/Blue/Nightingale was fantastic, CMFTR/BC Gold was great, and Punk’s opening promo was a reminder that few are better on the mix than he is.

    How this translates to AEW’s health overall is tough to say. Personally, with Punk’s promo, I’m hoping we get an AEW Civil War at some point. Those were some huge shots fired and the guy is so good at working literally everyone. It’s amazing he and Christian haven’t crossed paths

  • I imagine folks wouldn’t have a problem with this if the ads weren’t already so aggressive. Numerous ads before and during the content break it up too much. And if the content is extremely short form, it completely ruins the experience.

    The number of ads and their length should be proportional to the length of the video. And any creator doing built-in ads should also not be able to inject a bunch of other ads. Burying content is an easy way to get avoided.

    Print media had limits for advertisements, heck, in magazines they were premium real estate for the finest graphic designers to put together incredible imagery to get your attention. This level of care (not necessarily images or what have you) has yet to translate to the web.

  • I was able to get into BlueSky thanks to a random person giving me an invite. The userbase is about 100,000 but I’d say maybe 10-15% are actually participating in the community.

    It has a very chaotic, early Twitter feel to it. There’s a perpetual reply chain called “The Hellthread”, which has replies numbering in the thousands daily where folks are chatting, sharing memes, selfies, what have you. The userbase seems to be mostly hard-leftists, shitposters, and the LGBT community (some of the most popular users embody all three of those).

    Honestly? I like it. The users there are very chaotic in poking fun at the world around them, but are incredibly supportive and positive to each other. Of the alternatives to Twitter I’ve tried, BlueSky (jack’s shittiness aside) is the service that reminds me the most of why I liked Twitter before it went to hell with bots and misinformation campaigns.

  • I’m with you. Once i saw someone on Mastodon bemoan that wearing masks is no longer a firm requirement for just about everywhere, I knew I’d stumbled into somehwere bad, where people found commonality in the pandemic mentally breaking them.

    That is not me diminishing the impact of the pandemic at all. We’re going to feel the effects of that for a long, long time, in a myriad of ways! I’m just pointing out that it’s not only in terms of physical or economic health. Some folks are, mentally speaking, extremely different from who they used to be. And in some pockets of the internet, those folks are stuck in 2020.

    I also like to be happy and be positive when necessary. Not everything we watch or play or consume is perfect and great and wonderful, but at the same time, it’s not steaming hot garbage either. Going back to this decentralized community at least allows us the chance to be heard in saying “Yeah, the new Pokemon games? They have both upsides and downsides to them, it’s not entirely hot trash!” and not be shunned into oblivion.

  • Another thing I appreciate here is the lack of ragebait. It’s more common in video sharing platforms (which Reddit keeps stumbling over itself trying to become) where you have people deliberately making awful food recipes or doing something completely nonsensical for the sole purpose of clicks and engagement.

    Social media in its current state is focused on pissing people off. Twitter and Reddit making decisions to kneecap themselves for the sake of lofty ideals is the best thing that’s happened to the Internet in recent memory.